
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thursday's Catch: 'Cedarville University experiencing ‘outpouring of the Lord’ in campus revival' And More

A Christian university in Ohio is seeing spontaneous prayer and worship among its student body days after a revival began at Asbury University in Kentucky.

Why Students at a Kentucky Christian School are Praying and Singing Around the Clock
On Feb. 8, students at Asbury University gathered for their biweekly chapel service in the 1,500-seat Hughes Auditorium. They sang. They listened to a sermon. They prayed. Nearly a week later, many of them are still there.

Is Revival Happening in Asbury?
Glen Scrivener speaks to Robert Cunningham, director of Christ for Kentucky, about his recent trip to Asbury University Chapel, where there appears to be a revival taking place. It began after a sermon preached in the chapel on Wednesday 8th of February from Romans 12, with students staying on to pray and worship in the building. Many have visited since.

Campus Revival: How 1740s Yale Gives Hope for Today
The impressive reports of revival emerging from Kentucky’s Asbury University remind us colleges have always been central to the history of revival in America. Revivals have also been central to the history of American higher education.

Most Americans are 'world citizens' with secular views: Cultural Research Center study
Less than half say religious freedom, hard work are core values.

How to Prevent Rising Inflation From Causing Declining Ministry
As church leaders seeking to understand inflation, we must not only be aware of its impact but also continue to move forward in ministry.

How to Choose the Best AED For Church
An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is a life-saving medical device that can treat sudden cardiac arrest. When someone goes into cardiac arrest, their heart stops beating, and they stop breathing. AEDs are designed to be used by laypeople with little or no medical training and can be found in public places like churches. With so many models on the market, knowing which AED is right for your church can be difficult. Here’s how to choose the best AED for church.

Seven Things You Can Do to Become a Better Leader
Secular thinking would lead one to believe that additional education and on-the-job training would be enough to get one ready for a leadership position. But as Christians, we know there is much more. Jesus Christ is our greatest example of leadership, and our spiritual development will help us become better leaders. Here are seven things you can focus on to become a better Christian leader...

4 Ways to Really Prepare for Worship
How well do you prepare for worship? It is recorded at the beginning of chapter five of Ecclesiastes that we should guard our steps as we go to the house of God and listen instead of offering the sacrifice of fools who don’t even know they are being foolish (Eccl 5:1).

Overcoming Your Fear of Praying in Public
In 2012, researchers at the University of Nebraska-Omaha asked 815 college students to identify their three greatest fears. Far more than they feared heights, flying, deep water and even death, the students feared “speaking before a group.” If public speaking is the general population’s greatest fear, praying in public very well may be its Christian equivalent.

Four Ways to Love Others Like Jesus
We can’t shepherd our churches until we learn to love people the way Jesus does. Jesus is the best model for loving others. That’s why he tells us to do as he does: “I’m giving you a new commandment: Love each other in the same way that I have loved you” (John 13:34 GW). So what can we learn from how Jesus loves others?

4 Keys to Launching a Gospel Movement
For the past 32 years, God has allowed me to be the founder and visionary of Dare 2 Share Ministries, through which we’ve put countless theories and ideas to the test with youth leaders and teenagers. This has created a feedback loop about what works and doesn’t work when it comes to launching a Gospel movement in the microcosm of a youth ministry. We’ve learned many lessons from that feedback. Here are a few of the big ones.

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