
Monday, February 06, 2023

Monday's Catch: 'Surprising Reasons You Should Be More Intentional About Evangelism This Year' And More

Although fear in sharing the gospel is a reality most struggle with, studies show we have reasons for evangelism to be part of our conversations.

How in the World Do You Change the Established Culture?
How do you take an established culture, which may be decades old, and turn it into a new culture?

Debunking the Dropout Myth
How do we stop kids from becoming church dropouts? First, we need to debunk the myth.
At the same time we also need to disabuse ourselves of the myth that those who drop out of church will return when they have kids. Some may; others won't.
The Most Important Leadership Tool
Who or what do you lead? There are books, conferences, blogs, podcasts, and masterclasses on how to be a better leader, but we often forget that the person we lead first and most is the one in the mirror.

An Open Letter to the Prayerless Church
...the church is a spiritual force. It is animated by the Spirit of Jesus in our midst. So, if we want to see the church brought back to life, we have to make room to listen and be led by the Spirit as a community. The way we do this is to pray together.

Ten Suggestions for Church Members When They Read Negative Things about Their Pastors on Social Media
How should we respond to online criticism of our pastor?

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