
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: '2 Reasons We Should Expand Our Definition of Discipleship' And More

When you think about creating a “discipleship pathway,” who do you imagine participating?Chr istians? Your congregation? A portion of your congregation?

Rebuilding a Small Church Post-COVID
There’s no doubt the pandemic impacted the local church. Here are three lessons God taught one small church through COVID.

Here’s The Best Way You Can Help A Small Church Pastor Today
Ministry is hard. Small church ministry is relentless. Doing it alone is impossible.

Eric Geiger: How to Reach the iGeneration
Maybe you have already heard them referred to as Generation Z, but iGeneration may be a better name because they are the first generation to be born into our constantly connected world where social media and screens are the norm. They are digital natives; meaning digital communication is not something they have had to learn. It has always surrounded them.

How Are Church Finances Coming out of COVID and Headed Into a Potential Recession?
To understand what churches can anticipate in 2023, let’s take a closer look at recent financial trends and current forces impacting churches.

How Well Does ChatGPT Understand Christian Theology?
As this type of AI technology becomes more prevalent, Christians will need to grapple with how to use it in a way that honors God, as well as what AI means for how we conceive of our own identity as people created in the image of God.

5 questions to ask when reading the Bible
How exactly does the Bible — an ancient book written thousands of years ago — reveal God’s way to people today? There are several key questions we must ask, the answers to which reveal to us the way. Here they are....
A word of caution: Not all commands we find in the Bible apply to the followers of Jesus. We are not bound by the Old Testament rules and regulations touching on ceremonies and rites, diet, clothing, and the like or its civil precepts. We are, however, not free from obedience to its moral commandments as Article VII of the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion points to our attention.
On Lent and 'being' Lent
If you are lent something you have it and can use it, but it doesn't really belong to you, and eventually you, as borrower, must return what you have borrowed to the lender. And because you don't own what you have been lent, you are responsible – and ultimately accountable – for how you use it.

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