
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Split or Stay? Encouragement for Anglican Pastors' And More

A few days ago, church leaders representing the majority of Anglicans worldwide broke communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury over the Church of England’s recent decision to bless same-sex unions. This situation has put many of my English friends in a difficult position. Many others are or have been in similar circumstances—whether Methodist or Presbyterian or other affiliations.

6 Key Questions to Ask of Your Sermon Before You Preach It
Before you preach your next sermon, take the time to answer these 6 questions. If you do, you’ll have greater clarity for the content of the message and the congregation will have greater clarity for the expected action from the message. So pastor, grab your sermon and ask God for wisdom as you dive into these questions.

If You Feed Them, They Will Come
Too often instead of feeding students the solid food of the faith, our aim becomes merely entertaining our students, providing an atmosphere that is fun and comfortable, and, well . . . entertaining. Whether we realize it or not, we go to extraordinary lengths to make sure we create an environment that feels just like the everyday world in which our students live. While there is something to be said for this, too often we end up creating an atmosphere in which we’re really just trying to compete with secular culture for our students’ attention using the very same means that the world uses. It’s easy to spot how flawed this approach is.

Hope for Those Tempted to Control Their Children’s Spiritual Lives
...control in parenting can easily take a negative turn. When we hear these stories of departure from the faith as parents, we choose to take our children’s lives into our own hands. We assume tight control over every aspect of their world, from the school they attend to the kids they play with to their household chores. Our lack of trust causes us to take the reins and hold tightly. If we are not careful, in the process we can miss out on valuable lessons that help our children grow and develop.

What Culture Is Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality: 7 Ways to Respond
Though gender dysphoria does exist, there is a contagious quality to the rising trend of transgender youth that is more than a coincidence. Children who identify in this social sphere have strong peer influences and an overpowering media presence, celebrating and even urging kids to wear any label but heterosexual or cisgender (a person whose gender identity corresponds with their biological sex).

. 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe
Don’t get me wrong—I’m not belittling the pain and suffering of those families whose children are kidnapped by a stranger. In this article, I will make a case for retiring the “stranger danger” mantra and outline a better way to safety-proof our children.

The Joys of Small Groups
Scott Hollingshead shares three reasons that he loves being a part of a small group.

40: God’s Number for Life Change
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the 40 days of Lent. For reasons unknown to us, the length of 40 – whether 40 days or 40 years – has been significant throughout biblical history....

Evangelism Is Sharing an Experience, Not Closing a Deal
You were born again for evangelism. Jesus said if we follow Him, we will be fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). He also said we would receive the Holy Spirit and be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). Both of these passages remind us that Christians should be evangelists. Our witness to others, however, should be as a satisfied customer, not a commissioned salesperson.

Texas Megachurch Relents, Follows UMC Rules to Exit Denomination
One of the largest United Methodist congregations in Texas that had sought to circumvent the denomination's process on disaffiliation has relented and allowed its members to vote on exit, as well as agreeing to pay the required departure fees to retain its property.

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