
Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'What Will Your Church’s Legacy Be?' And More

What Will Your Church’s Legacy Be?
We all want to make a kingdom impact both now and when we leave this earth. We all want to be called “good and faithful servant.” But what does this kind of eternal legacy look like? And how can you as a leader—regardless of the size or context of your church—make this kind of impact?

3 Mistakes Church Leaders Make Responding to Sexual Abuse Allegations
Here are common mistakes churches make when they receive allegations of sexual abuse and steps you can take to prevent these mistakes.

Hearts Strangely Warmed at Asbury
Everybody seems to have an opinion about the Asbury revival by now, but a lot of those opinions are simply thoughts on revival in general. Those are important conversations to have. But as Asburians out West, we want to help explain this Wilmore moment with specific attention to its history and context. By connecting a few dots, we hope to make the significance of this revival understandable to outsiders.

What Is True Revival?
The point of this post is not to talk about Asbury, but to talk about the Bible. While the Bible doesn’t use the word “revival,” it does detail instances in the lives of God’s people where sudden and surprising change takes place. Whether we call it an “awakening” or “renewal” or “reformation” or “revival,” there have been times throughout history—including biblical history—where the God who normally works by ordinary days (Zech 4:10) has chosen to work in extraordinary ways.

A Full Circle Moment at the Asbury University Revival
Please don’t hate on what is happening in Wilmore, Kentucky. This place is electric with God’s presence, and it has sparked a revival and renewal in the hearts of a new generation who long to see God move again in miraculous ways.

25 Common Myths About Christianity, And Answers From James Emory White
Looking for a help in answering common objections to our faith? James Emery White ’s A Search for the Spiritual: Exploring Authentic Christianity (Baker Books) is an excellent resource. Here are some the topics James Emory White addresses....

7 reasons why the Church should celebrate weekly communion
Nowadays, many evangelical churches interpret “sola scriptura” to mean that they can do whatever they want as long as there’s some adherence to the Bible. We fail to realize that the early church observed certain practices and methodologies that should not be compromised.

5 Ways to Practice a Holy Lent
Lent is a holy season of reflection and renewal. It begins with ashes and ends with the glorious sunrise of Easter morning’s empty tomb. Traditionally, Lent is a time of sacrifice and self-denial. Giving up little pleasures is one way to practice a Holy Lent. But with so much suffering, sadness and sin in the world already, maybe it’s time to re-envision the kind of practices that prepare one for resurrection. In this article, I will suggest five ways to practice a holy Lent.

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