
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday's Catch: 'Why People Leave and How to Help Them Return to the Church' And More

Do your neighbors go to church? If not, do you know why? Their reasons are probably not the ones you’d expect. New research reveals why people leave churches and what you and your church can do to help them return to the Church.

Cedarville University students spread the spirit of revival at other college campuses
Inspired by the revival worship at their campus, scores of students from Cedarville University in Ohio traveled to campuses across the region to proclaim the Gospel.

'God can speak in showers or waves': Tennessee middle school students lead in prayer, song and repentance 
As a spiritual awakening moves among college students across the nation, one K-12 school in Tennessee says it's also seeing a revival atmosphere spreading on its campus.

10 Ways to Spark Revival 
While this article offers some good advice, the title is misleading. We cannot "spark" revival. We can, however, be open to revival. Revival is a work of the Holy Spirit.

Anne Graham Lotz: Asbury Revival Could Be the 'Latter Rain' Before Jesus' Return
Anne Graham Lotz is not the first person to equate a fresh movement of the Holy Spirit in their time with the "latter rain." Whatever the Asbury phenomena is, for want of a better way of describing what is happening, we certainly would be wise to pray for widespread revival and a new great awakening.

Nondenominational Church Surprised To Hear They Were Ousted From SBC
The SBC's Executive Committee has disfellowshipped a church that is not affiliated with the SBC because it has a woman pastor. Who is the SBC's Executive Committee going to  disfellowship next?

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Calls for Excommunicating White Nationalists
The president of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has called for the excommunication of unrepentant white supremacists in the church’s ranks, rebuking an extremist effort to exert influence within the conservative Lutheran denomination.

Let the Children Worship in Church
In the early days of bringing young children into worship, it can feel like self-inflicted torture with no end in sight. But as much as it may prove a struggle, the effort is worth it. Church services provide numerous opportunities for blessing. Here are three.

45% of Protestants stricter about who can be classified as a 'churchgoer' than pastors: poll Protestant churchgoers are much more likely than pastors to believe weekly church attendance is necessary to qualify as a regular churchgoer, according to a new poll.

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