
Friday, August 04, 2023

Friday's Catch: '7 Actions I Recommend When A Church is Declining' And More

In this article Ron Edmondson makes a number of suggestions, which come from working with churches in decline.

4 First-Century Exhortations for the 21st-Century Church
Paul closes his first letter to the Thessalonians with four timely exhortations extremely applicable to the American church today.

The Sound of True Freedom 
Chance Bonar identifies and explains three myths that stand in the way of understanding ancient slavery and how systems of enslavement have evolved over time.
Anyone who has studied the archeological record and ancient literature knows that slaves in the ancient Mediterranean world and elsewhere did not have an easy life. They were their master's property to do with whatever their master pleased. They were often war captives or the children of slaves. Those who were war captives would have suffered from the trauma of having seen family members and loved ones killed in front of their eyes and might have been raped themselves. They were physically and sexually abused and otherwise ill-treated; slept in crowded, cramped quarters; worked hard for long hours; and poorly fed. Those who romanticize their lot need to be transported back in time and enslaved themselves. They will be quickly disabused of their romantic notions!
Farming is ministry: 5 ways your congregation can start today 
Farming fosters hands-on opportunities for fellowship while producing a tangible good.

A Former Pastor’s Perspective on What Makes a Compelling Worship Service
Having visited several churches during the past year and then joining one as a non-staff member, here’s what Charles Stoe believes can help make a compelling worship service that would encourage people to want to come back.

Sixteen lies Satan feeds us about worship
If God uses our worship to transform sinners, starting with us, then the enemy will do all in his power to neutralize it.

5 Ways the Enemy Seeks To Attack Us Before Worship Happens This Weekend
...the devil wants to hinder your worship of God this weekend, so he will work to distract and deceive you. Even before we get to worship this weekend, he wants us to....

Our Missions Approach Is Too Western
For nearly a century, missiologists have tried to correct the influence of colonialism on Christian missions. Countless articles and books have been written critiquing the Western church’s attitude toward and treatment of other cultures. Today, postcolonial sentiment is pervasive in the West as well as among majority-world Christians who express frustration with the Western church’s missiological approach.

3 Steps to Leverage a Mission Trip for Discipleship Growth
These simple steps can help maximize the summer mission trip experience for discipleship. But intentionality is key. 

Don't let leprosy surge spoil your holiday plans, says charity
Several cases of malaria which was contracted in Florida and not outside the state or the country have also been reported.

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