
Thursday, August 03, 2023

Thursday's Catch: 'Welcoming Visitor without Scaring Them Away' And More

Joseph Yoo offers some good advice in this article on the ways that a church can scare away first time guests.
In two of the new church plants I helped to pioneer, we handed out contact cards and complementary pens with the worship bulletins. The pens had the name of the church and its logo printed on them. During the Sunday gathering guests were invited to complete a contact card if they wanted to fill one out and to include any prayer requests. There was space on the card for prayer requests. They were told they could turn in the card when the offering was taken or at the end of the service. They were not pressured into filling out a card. It was presented to them simply as an option as was submitting a prayer request. Most guests turned in a card. In one of the church plants we also had a welcome kiosk where first-time guests could pick up a brochure about the church and a complementary coffee mug with the church's name and logo on it. We also gave away T-shirts with the church's name and logo on them.
Comfort and Challenge – A Ministry Balancing Act
Church growth is a complex and multifaceted process, but at its core, it involves creating a skillful balance of comfort and challenge. The art of church growth lies in the ability to present the comforting love of Jesus Christ while simultaneously challenging congregation members to grow in their faith, as well as their commitment to the engagements of the church.

How Should Church Leaders Decide What Activities the Church Needs to Eliminate?
Many, if not most, churches have far too many activities and full calendars. Thom looks at how to lead these churches to do less to be more effective.

Safeguarding Your Church
Here is a quick reminder of the policies and procedures every church should have on file.

How Pastors Can Preach Effectively in Light of the Dechurching Movement
In this episode of As in Heaven, Jim Davis and Michael Aitcheson welcome Sam Allberry and Michael Keller to discuss preaching in light of the dechurched phenomenon. The guests share insights from their own preaching preparation, cultural insights from their contexts, and how they question cultural assumptions.

Don’t Just Pray — Become a PRAYING Church
Most churches pray, but not all are praying churches. Most churches pause during their gatherings to pray, sometimes out of ritual, but certainly out of sincerity. But how does a church make the leap to become a praying church, where prayer is the engine and fuel behind every spiritual advancement?

What’s the Point of Re-Reading Familiar Bible Stories?
Certain Bible stories stand etched in our minds, whether it’s the tale of the slingshot-wielding David or the animals marching two by two. These narratives permeate our world so much so that even many non-Christians can recite the key points from memory.

Intergenerational Worship is NOT...
Lenses of tradition, personal preference, and familiarity often cloud the conversation when we talk about any kind of change at church, but especially when we talk about bringing together generations for times of worship in a corporate worship setting. It may be helpful that begin by explaining what this time of worship is NOT so that it can set the stage for what it is intended to be.

Five Ways Intergenerational Relationships Can Transform Community
Within the context of a church or faith community, age-specific opportunities like Sunday school and youth group are the “norm”. However, if communities lack the space and opportunity for generations to connect, develop meaningful relationships, and engage in intentional discipleship, we miss out on some incredible ways to grow with God and one another. It is essential to recognize the tremendous benefits that intergenerational connections can bring to the spiritual growth and overall vibrancy of the community.

“Thank You for Coming. Please Leave.”
This article reminds me of what happened to my older brother and his wife when they took their three daughters to a local church with them, having decided that it was time for them to start attend church again after a long absence as they now had children. Unfortunately they picked the wrong church to visit. The longtime members made it evident to them that they and their children were not welcome at that church. A year or so after that the church closed its doors. Too many visitors had gotten the message that they were not welcome at that church.

Is It Time To Re-Think The Role Of “Communications Director” at Your Church?
If there’s been a remotely positive outcome of the virus, it’s been that church leaders are finally realizing that their online congregation matters, and communicating and connecting with that congregation is more important than ever. 

How to Develop a Social Media Strategy That Enhances Your Ministry
In one of our most recent podcasts, we had the opportunity to chat with social media expert Jacob Shipley, who offered us a wealth of knowledge regarding how ministries can best build and boost their social media strategies while maintaining a heart of worship that is people focused. Here is what we learned....

Being a Navigator of Discussion
...small group leaders can implement some strategies that can help lessen the number of negative experiences that occur within the church’s small group ministry.

Climate Change Fingerprints Could Inspire Swedish Death Cleaning
July 2023 was Earth’s hottest month ever. New Climate Central analysis finds that human-caused climate change made July’s extreme heat in the U.S. and across the globe far more likely.

The Climate Canary Is Dead
In earleir times coal miners took canaries done in the coal mines with them. Canaries are very sensitive to coal damp, or methane, a gas toxic to humans as well as canaries. If a canary died in oe of the tunels, it signaled the presence of this deadly gas. The elderly, people with chronic medical conditions, the homeless, and outdoor workers are the canaries that warn us that the heat waves we are experiencing has turned deadly.

4 surprisingly simple keys to effectively sharing the Gospel
Sharing the Gospel is like flying an airplane. You want to take off smoothly, have a solid flight plan, know how to deal with emergency situations and then, of course, land safely.

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