
Friday, August 25, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'The Great Dechurching' And More

The Great Dechurching: An evening with Jim Davis, Michael Graham, and Bishop Justin Holcomb
We are currently experiencing the largest and fastest shift in American religious history. It's bigger than the First Great Awakening, Second Great Awakening, and every revival our country has ever experienced combined. But this isn't a great awakening, it's a great dechurching.

3 Powerful Impacts of Group Culture on Congregations
Group culture is the “way we do things.” Churches, denominations, and even committees have a group culture. While ethnicity, region, and generation impact the way a group functions, group culture gets at something deeper. In this article, I’m going to share with you 3 powerful impacts of group culture on congregations. And how you can leverage it to maximize your influence on the communities you serve.

What's Your Congregation's Personality Type?
Which of the five congregational personality types and their core Biblical value describes your church?

3 Questions for Church Leaders to Ask NOW
According to Ron Edmondson, there are three questions for church leaders to ask NOW – and regularly.

7 Steps To Accomplish a Turnaround
Gavin Adams offers guidance for those confronted with a turnaround.

4 Dimensions of Loving God
We don’t just have a heart, soul, mind, and body. We are the sum of those things. What does loving God with each of these dimensions entail?

What Does C. S. Lewis’s ‘The Abolition of Man’ Have to Say After 80 Years?
The Abolition of Man is a powerful work for our day because, in many ways, Lewis predicted the future.

Calling vs. Career: Where Does Children’s Ministry Fit, Exactly?
Calling vs. Career. Which label would you use for children’s ministry?

A Jesus-Shaped Life
Christianity is in crisis because self-identified Christians are using their own political, social, moral, and cultural views to assess the soundness and relevance of Jesus’ teaching. Strictly speaking, for Christians it should be the other way around. We should test the validity of our thoughts and the trustworthiness of our passions by whether or not they adhere to what Jesus says.

Is Jesus’ Mission Your Mission?
Jesus is not after passive surrender. The cross was his instrument of world salvation, so to take it up means actively devoting your life to his mission. So many Christians believe you must simply obey all the Ten Commandments and then go on with life as usual, unless God appears to you in a burning bush. But following Jesus means accepting his mission as your own and pursuing it wholeheartedly.That mission is defined by two trajectories: evangelism and caring for the poor.

Prosperity gospel on the rise among US churchgoers, survey finds
An increasing share of American Protestant churchgoers believe that financial prosperity is part of God's plan for them and that giving more money to their church and charities will result in blessings from God, according to a recent study by Lifeway Research.

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