
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Why is Church Planting so Important?' And More

"We face an interesting time in our history: Both the supply of churches and the demand for them seems to be decreasing. Never has there been a greater need for more churches than right now," writes Chris Dowd. "Considering this context, let me share with you five reasons why church planting is crucial today."

What One of the World’s Smartest Leaders Taught Me
Charles Stone shares what he learned from leadership expert Malcolm Webber.

The Preacher’s Guide to Preparing Sermons With a Team
Lane Sebring explain why he prepares sermons with a team.

Don't Begin With the Needs of Your People
Taken too far, the needs of people — not Scripture — will dictate what we preach and teach.

College Students Are Back in Town—Is Your Church Ready?
Perhaps you already have plans in place to support families in the back-to-school shuffle. But if your church is near a college or university, you also have an opportunity to support incoming students

Share Your Faith: 7 Steps for Equipping Teens for Evangelism
Do your teens know how to share their faith? And do they actually do so? Read on for insights about student evangelism and how to make that a reality.

ReAwaken America is back. So is the right wing roadshow’s antisemitic rant.
The potential for violence might be ReAwaken America’s biggest threat.
Jesus and the apostles warned about false teachers who would lead people astray. In 2 Timothy 4: 3 Paul warns, "For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear."

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