
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe: 'The Story of the Christmas Tree' And More

The Story of the Christmas Tree
The Christmas tree is not in the Bible but is rooted in Christian symbolism. This is the story....

Why I Changed My Mind about Deconstruction
"While writing The Deconstruction of Christianity with Alisa Childers, we discovered some fundamental beliefs that undergird the deconstruction process," writes Tim Barnett. "Moreover, these ideas are antithetical to the Christian worldview. This helps explain why so many who deconstruct their faith end up leaving the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Here are three reasons why I changed my min Ideas for Celebrating Christmas throug Servingd about deconstruction...."

A Greek Class that Left Me in Awe of God as Father
J. I. Packer wrote that the heart of the New Testament is the glorious news that God has adopted us as children through Christ. He stated: “You sum up the whole of New Testament religion if you describe it as the knowledge of God as one’s Holy Father. If you want to judge how well a person understands Christianity, find out how much he makes of the thought of being God’s child, and having God as his Father.”

7 High Standards of Leadership
Those who carry leadership authority must live according to higher standards.

Don’t Forget These 5 Things the Christmas Ministry Season
If you are in ministry, Christmas can be a tough gig. Multiple services. Long hours. Special events. Christmas parties to attend. The most wonderful time of the year can become the busiest time of the year. As you are quickly going into this season here are 5 things to remember.

4 Ideas for Celebrating Christmas through Serving
Most of us are not looking for one more party or event to attend during the Christmas season. But we are interested in making a memory and a difference during this time of year. Our Sunday School class or small Bible study group can be a means for doing just that.

How Individualism Corrupts the Church’s Mission
A popular slogan in the world of sports claims, “Players win games. Teams win championships.” Of course, even non-sports-lovers can agree that some things require the contribution of more than one person. Westerners struggle to think and act in step with this truth, however. That’s because certain thoughts, habits, and societal incentives have permeated our culture with imbalanced tendencies toward autonomy, self-sufficiency, and (perceived) uniqueness—an unholy trinity of individualism.

5 simple ways to share Christ this Christmas
Christmas is one of the holidays where engaging others in a Gospel conversation can be easier and more natural. It is a time of sharing laughter, food and, of course, gifts.

Vatican asserts single mothers should be 'encouraged' to receive communion
The Vatican's doctrinal office said Thursday that single mothers who have confessed their sins should receive the Eucharist. The guidance, which was approved by Pope Francies and signed Wednesday by Argentine Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandéz of the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, was in response to an inquiry from the Dominican Republic's Bishop Ramón Alfredo de la Cruz Baldera.

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