
Monday, December 18, 2023

Monday's Catch: '9 Dangerous Fault Lines for Churches in 2024' And More

What are the fault lines Thom Rainer sees as we move into 2024? Here are nine of them in no particular order. They give him great concern for our churches.

32 Random Thoughts About the Local Church
In this post Tim Challies shares "a long list of brief, random (and unsolicited) observations and pieces of advice related to the local church."
How Can the Church Respond to the Rise of the Nones?
What is the church to do in the face of increasing rates of religious disaffiliation and the rise of the Nones? Researcher and pastor Ryan Burge says it’s important that the church not lose hope. We must continue to step out in faith and sow the seeds of love, grace, and hope.
Ongoing research suggests that the rise of the religiously unaffiiated and the growth of secularism is not related so much to antipathy toward religion but to a lack of interest in religion.
Christian symbolism and the perfect Christmas pudding
The festive season simply wouldn't be complete without the rich and indulgent delight of a perfect Christmas pudding. This timeless dessert, brimming with festive flavours, is a tradition that brings warmth and joy to any gathering.

Where Was Jesus Before Bethlehem?
Even many churchgoing Christians are confused about Jesus’s existence before Bethlehem. What can we do to help them?

6 Ways To Love People Like Jesus Did
In this post Charles Lee shares what he has learned about Jesus' approach to loving humanity from his exploration of Jesus' life.

The Powerful Witness of Long, Ordinary Obedience
Witnessing the Spirit active and working in another’s life has a powerful evangelistic influence.

Uncomfortable Christmases: Witnessing to Family at the Holidays
How might we evangelize our family on what appears to be a minefield?

5 Must-Have Church Evangelism Strategies
Through the years of helping design missional initiatives and evangelism training, Will Mancini has found five essentials that church evangelism strategies MUST have in order to work in your local culture.

With Pope Francis’ encouragement Vatican allows blessings for same-sex couples
'God never turns away anyone who approaches him!' read the document issued by the Vatican's doctrinal department.

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