
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: 'Church Without Walls' And More

Church Without Walls 
To help churches navigate the transition to hybrid church, we had a conversation with three leaders who have done a lot of thinking about the future. We trust their insights will be helpful as you craft a vision for the coming years of ministry.

Bright Hope for Tomorrow
...we’re entering the first week of Advent, which to many Christians is simply synonymous with Christmas, but traditionally they are not the same.

Salvation Army Kettles Collect Fewer Coins
The bell-ringing campaign sees 20 percent decline in giving.

Sharing the True Spirit of Christmas in the Places Where Life Happens
Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff suggests that in an age of rampant religious disaffiliation our evangelistic task in the Advent and Christmas seasons may go beyond gathering in less-frequent church attenders, friends, family, and neighbors. She sees a need to help a generation of dechurched young people reclaim the sacred aspects of Christmas and offers ideas for rebuilding religious memories starting in the places where life happens.

Does Our Desire for God Disprove His Existence?
David Baddiel’s punchy little book The God Desire is an apologetic for atheism—not the kind of unbelief that disrespects religion and its benefits (Baddiel is Jewish), but still, a naturalist’s take on the world that says we’re better off dispensing with fantasies intended to shield us from death.

If the Sinner’s Prayer is the only way to salvation, why isn’t it in the Bible?
Finding salvation through Jesus does not require an incantation. It requires a decision to walk in a certain way.

Sharing Jesus With the Lost This Christmas
Luke 19:10 tells us exactly why Jesus’ birth matters so much: “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost” (NLT). And as you and your church proclaim the Christmas story this holiday season, nothing matters more than that simple message. Luke 19:10 is Christmas in a nutshell. Jesus didn’t come to be a baby. He came to grow up and die on a cross—and be resurrected. Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

15 Christmas Ideas for Small Groups
Lots of small groups take the Christmas season off. And that’s fine. But if you’re one of the groups that really loves Jesus (wink), you’re not taking the season off. You’re soldiering through like the little drummer boy who could. Massive traveling, family celebrating and time off work won’t slow you and your group down! If you’re one of the groups that’s meeting throughout the month of December, you may be wondering what you can do for Christmas ideas for small groups that’s a little outside of the norm.

Finding Purpose in Christmas
Our culture glorifies Christmas as a feel-good, do-good, multi-billion-dollar, secular industry. Providing our children with a memorable Christmas seems an impossible task for a single parent who struggles with loneliness, grief, or financial strain. As we navigate the holiday season, we must take an honest look at our expectations and consider if it is time to shift our focus. Take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions....

How To Become an Encourager: 15 Steps
There’s no better starting point to learn how to become an encourager than this famous passage: Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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