
Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Wedesday's Catch: 'Are Pastors Retiring at an Older Age Now? (And Other Age-Related Issues)' And More

What about pastors? Are they retiring later in ministry? Are they following the trends of others in the workforce? You might be surprised at the answers.

Christian Life, Ministry and Mission in the 2020s: An Emerging Consensus
Mikey Lynch shares what he believes may be be some points of growing consensus around the proper evangelical response to our current cultural context, and a shift in some major points of discussion.

6 Elements of Daily Prayer Time With God
"I’m convinced that the one thing that will change everything about your life for the positive is establishing a daily prayer time with God," writes Brandon Cox. He goes on to share the plan which he has followed for a number of years, noting that he has seen it change his life in countless ways.

Praying with purpose: extending God's comfort to the hurting
In moments of trial and tribulation, prayer becomes a beacon of hope, a way to offer solace to those in need. The efficacy of our prayers is not solely in the words we utter, but in the sincerity, empathy, and actions that accompany them.

The Five Biggest Challenges Children's Minstries Will Face in 2024
As we prepare to enter a new year of ministry, there are some challenges we will face. Here are the 5 biggest.

Dealing With Needy People in Your Group 
It is important to think through the problem of needy people in groups. The Bible teaches that neediness, defined as being incomplete and without, is something God uses to grow us up and heal us. He comes to us when we experience that we cannot fix or save ourselves in our own strength....

9 Biblical Methods for Encouraging One Another
Would you take more encouragement if you could get it? Have you ever felt like you had no more need of encouragement? What would be possible in your life if you lived with a continual diet of encouragement from others? These questions help reveal something we all intuitively know: We need encouragement.

‘A solemn day’: 51 Illinois churches leave UMC amid homosexuality schism
Fifty-one congregations in Illinois have disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church amid the mainline Protestant denomination’s ongoing schism over its stance on sexuality. At a virtual special session on Saturday, Illinois Great Rivers Conference delegates voted 313-47 to approve the disaffiliation resolutions of 51 churches seeking to leave the mainline denomination.
Is parting company the best solution to differences over this particular issue? It has a downside both for those who leave and those who remain. I question whether enough thought has been given to this downside.

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