
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: '4 Ways to Maximize Your Christmas Service' And More

As you continue planning the details of your Christmas Eve or Christmas Day worship services, here are some things to consider.
There is still time to do some last minute tweaking.
6 Perspective Shifts on Church Attendance in the New Year
How can pastors and church leaders help their members establish rhythms of church attendance in the new year?

C.S. Lewis’ Spoke of a ‘Post-Christian’ World With ‘No Objective Right or Wrong’ in 80-Year-Old Christmas Sermon
In 1946, theologian and author C.S. Lewis was said to be “the most entertaining missionary of our time.” As the world was recovering and healing from World War II, Lewis wrote “A Christmas Sermon for Pagans.” And after nearly 80 years, his words still ring astonishingly true.

4 Big Reasons Why Pastors Lack Work-Life Balance
Why do too few pastors strike a balance? Four major reasons exist.

Don't Ruin Good Content: Proficint Pulpit Rhetoric
As preachers, are we proficient public speakers? If not, why not? Is not our message important enough to be great public speakers? Although we must not be performers, we must be proficient rhetoricians. This article focuses on just one aspect of being a good rhetorician—good vocal delivery.

What Are Reasonable Worship Leader Expectations?
Kade Young thought the congregation expected a full band, lights and the whole shebang every week or they would not come back. Turns out, he was wrong. What are reasonable worship leader expectations?

No, Your Church Doesn't Need a Custom App
Bryan Haley explais why your church does not need a cutom app of its own.

8 Way to Use Social Media for Good
The Internet isn’t going anywhere, so we can either complain about how corrosive social media is or we can use our voices to elevate what is good and true and beautiful. So just as it is easy to press “send” on another nasty tweet or post, it is easy to press “send” on content that brings joy.

Practicing Faith in a Post-Faith World: Five Ways to Respond
The West is not as post-Christian as many imagine. No doubt there are places on earth, including Middle America, where it might feel like the wider culture is currently rejecting Christianity at an unprecedented rate. But the milieu that characterizes post-Christendom is still (despite itself) irreducibly Christian.

How Event Evangelism Helps People Share the Mission
One of the tools we can use for training people to get comfortable talking with others, inviting them to our weekend worship gatherings, and eventually sharing their faith is through special events. Event evangelism can include the more popular ones like Easter and Christmas, but also can include Parent/Child Dedications, Mother’s and Father’s Day, and the beginning of a new sermon series.

What is the Good News? A response to Jayne Ozanne's reinterpretation
In this article David Robertson draws the attention to the emergence of what he describes as two different "Christianities" in the United Kingdom.
In the United States we are seeing the emergence of several different ideologies which identify themselvs as being "Christian" but diverge significantly from Jesus' message and teaching. They are tied to a particular subculture in the United States and to its views of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender.
On same-sex blessings, some Catholics celebrate change while others point to limits
The Vatican’s declaration allowing blessings for ‘irregular’ couples seems to have deepened an already strong divide between conservatives and progressives in the church.

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