
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: 'The Most Important Element of Your Christmas Eve Service

As you prepare for your Christmas Eve service, make sure those who join you don’t miss the redemptive reason for the season.

10 Ways to Process the Emotions of Christmas Loss Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. As the song goes, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” But for some people the saddess of Christmas loss means Christmas can be a miserable time.

7 Ways To Lose Ministry Volunteers
Do you have a hard time retaining ministry volunteers? Is it possible the reason they aren’t staying isn’t their lack of commitment or conviction, but instead something you as their leader are or aren’t doing?

5 Ways to Protect Your Church From an IRS Audit
While audits can be stressful and time-consuming, there are proactive steps you can take to protect your church. Here are five ways to shield our church from IRS Audits.

Email Scams Targeting Churches
There are two email scams occurring with increasing frequency. These scams hurt churches in two ways, by stealing finances and by breaking congregational trust. What are these scams? What can or should you do about them? What should you do if you find yourself a victim of a scam?

A Church with Great Music
A church with a truly great music program is the one where the people sing—they really sing.

What Does It Actually Mean To Just Preach The Bible?
Most often when someone levies the claim that a preacher doesn’t preach the Bible, they are merely disagreeing with the preaching style. So it’s helpful to understand the different styles of preaching that are most common today in order to assess whether style alone makes a sermon biblical or unbiblical.

5 things the Catholic Church’s document on same-sex blessings does (and doesn’t) say 
The Vatican approved same-sex blessings, but there are a few caveats.

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