
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Generational Shifts in Evangelism: Approaches for Today' And More

Over the last 20 years, churches have largely drifted from the practice of evangelism. At the same time, as younger generations like Gen Z and Gen Alpha come of age as digital natives, there is an ever-growing need to understand how to evangelize in the digital era. In order to respond to this evangelism lull, we need to look more at general approaches that are effective and less at this curriculum or that training method—we need to focus on what is working rather than nit-picking over what isn’t.

4 Missional Shifts for Churches in 2024
The beginning of a new year brings new opportunities to examine and adjust our priorities and our approach to life. Like clockwork after the ball drops in Times Square, fitness centers are flooded with newcomers, throngs of people commit to fad diets, couples commit to spend less and save more, and more.

4 More Missional Shifts for Churches in 2024
There’s little doubt that we are in a time of tremendous change, both within the church as well as the cultures God has called us to. In order for us to respond well to the cultural moment, we must identify significant shifts in how we minister to build flourishing, mission minded church communities in the years to come.

5 Vital Truths About Salvation
The way to be saved is so simple—and yet so easy to get wrong.

Opinion: The unconscionable rejection of food aid for hungry kids is all about politics
Food insecurity is a very real problem in the United States. Many low income children will go hungry when school is out of session because the state in which they reside has opted not to participate in the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program. Community food banks and church food pantries and food distribution ministries cannot meet the need.

Listening Well to Domestic Abuse Survivors
Victims of abuse often fail to disclose the abuse for fear of how their husbands may react, especially in marriage counseling sessions where their abusers are present. It is generally wise to separate couples and move to individual counseling any time abuse is suspected. To counsel victims of domestic abuse, the counselor must consider some of the characteristics of domestic abuse survivors and carefully provide what they most need.

Ministerial Platforms, Self-Praise, and Self-Glory
Recognise the difference between proclaiming the cause of Christ and promotion of self.

Love Your God More, Not Your Country Less
When you love something or someone, you are tempted to love that thing or person more than God. Because we are prone to idolatry, we can easily take good things—blessings in our lives—and give those blessings our worship. I can do this with Kaye, my daughters, my role, and so many things. C.S. Lewis wrote about how to solve the problem when we love others more than God.

Children’s Pastor: 9 Helpful Career Traits You’ll Need
To become a children’s pastor, the following qualities are helpful....

5 Steps for Purposeful Conversations
With all the information that needs to be shared, and all sorts of different technologies to do that communicating, here are five steps towards purposeful conversations and communicating[.

Choosing Godliness in 2024
Acts of recollection are those intentional and sometimes small acts whereby we consciously turn to God at regular times throughout our day. “It is a simple, momentary response to his ever-present love, a remembrance of his presence.” Such acts are one way to resist the habitually distracted state in which we find ourselves and to condition our souls toward habitual recollection instead, and thus are a good aim for the ordinary Christian.

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