
Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'A Quarter of Mainline Methodist Churches Left the Denomination Last Year. Now What?" And More

A Quarter of Mainline Methodist Churches Left the Denomination Last Year. Now What?
United Methodism is widely expected, absent many traditionalists, to finally liberalize the church’s policies on marriage and sex.
Whether or not they are willing to admit it, the traditionalists share the blame for the direction which the UMC takes. "How?" you ask. They chose to leave, and by their departure helped the progressives to advance their cause. See also: Churches continue to leave UMC after disaffiliation provision expires and The Global Methodist Church: These Things I Pray
Could the Rise of the Nones Be Over?
The latest research indicates that the growth of religiously unaffiliated Americans has slowed or even stopped.
See also: Here’s what I’m learning about the ‘nones’
A Call for Churches and Individuals to Ministry Among the Elderly
Caring for the elderly is seen as admirable, but only for a select group who are made for it. Spending time with those who are nearer to death is a little too close to home for most. This is especially true for retirees who have the time to spend, but are themselves also approaching the later stages of life.
See also: A Standing Ovation for the Older and Wiser
Civil War England and the Church
From 1643, in the time of the English Civil Wars (1642-51), in the areas they occupied the Parliamentarian forces instigated tribunals to screen local clergy for their suitability to carry on ministering.

Preaching to the Imagination
We don’t preach to entertain; we preach for transformation. But doing so may require us to use and preach to the imagination.

Are We Free to Worship God However We Choose? A Brief Case for the Regulative Principle
What is acceptable public worship of the one true God?

4 Powerful Steps to Leading Worship with Confidence
What is the key to leading worship with confidence?

In Praise of Rote Learning: Why We Need Catechisms
We expect young children won’t fully understand the answers they’ve memorized. The process is truly mechanical. Is this right?

Image Credit: Pasadena United Methodist Church

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