
Saturday, January 13, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'How We Make the Message Relatable" And More

As Christians work to identify issues of concern in communities—either our own or those elsewhere—a posture of respect becomes critical. Ultimately, it’s not about forcing others into agreement or “winning” a debate. It’s about sharing the message of hope that we have and trusting God to change hearts and minds.

Notes on Staying Sane in an Election Year
"As we prepare then for another election year, a year in which this election will, doubtless, be referred to frequently and with no memory of prior elections as 'the most important in our lifetimes,'" writes Jake Meador, "I offer some notes in hopes that they can help our churches, at least, to resist the greatest excesses of stupidity this year and perhaps even to model a still better way to our neighbors."

‘Border control cannot be achieved at the border alone,’ study shows, calling for partnership and reform
Simply beefing up the ranks of U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, building walls or installing razor wire along the Rio Grande will not adequately address the challenge.

The 'gender revolution,' seven years later
Seven years ago this month, National Geographic published an issue that they now refer to as "historic." With a cover featuring a young boy with long pink hair and pink leggings, they announced a "Gender Revolution."

Will following my heart set me free?
...our culture loves to tell: that success in the world means presenting your truest self, pushing off what society tells you to be, to be you. It’s almost like that’s the meaning of life. You are free to be yourself.

Is being rich bad for your soul? Yes, but not for the reason you expect
The rich don’t just end up making themselves unhappy. They want us to be unhappy too.

Remembering a Friend and Defender of C.S. Lewis
David M. Baumann remembers the C.S. Lewis scholar and author, Kathryn Lindskoog.

3 Virtuous Traits in a Leader — That Make Us Want To Follow
Why do you follow the leaders you choose to follow? The key word in that question is “choose.” We all make a deliberate choice to follow who we follow. No one follows a leader by accident.

Are Tattoos a Sin? Explore Biblical Perspectives on Body Modification
Teens today wonder are tattoos a sin. And kids are likely to ask you, their youth minister, what the Bible says about body modification. So…how will you answer? By doing a little research and preparation beforehand, you can present well-developed thoughts on this controversial topic.

PRRI survey connects where people worship to their views on climate change
Religious perspectives play a major role in determining how Americans view climate change, according to a survey conducted by PRRI, the Public Religion Research Institute.

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