
Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'How America Got Mean' And More

David Brooks wrote an important article for the Atlantic that was simply titled, “How America Got Mean.” His conclusion was both insightful and deeply disturbing.

10 Trends Impacting the Church in 2024
As church leaders plan for 2024, they should keep these statistics and trends in mind for their congregation.

Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy
An election year is upon us and with it all the debate, suspicion, and rancor that is sure to accompany the culmination of another four-year cycle.

How Do We Communicate Our Church’s Doctrinal Beliefs to Guests?

Should churches make clear their doctrinal beliefs to guests? Thom examines some of the issues.

How Do We Communicate Our Church’s Doctrinal Beliefs to Church Members?
It is becoming increasingly obvious that many church members, including a number of church leaders, do not know (or even adhere to) a church’s doctrinal position. Thom looks at this issue that has become increasingly challenging.

A Worthy Successor in English Hymnals
"The much-delayed publication of The Revised English Hymnal (intended for publication in 2018) is another milestone in the history of English hymnody," writes reviewer Stephen Platten.

18 Ways To Ruin Your Reputation on Facebook
Facebook is a great way for you to build and maintain relationships with people both inside your church and in your community. But Facebook is not without its risks. Every time you post something, you risk hurting, offending or distancing yourself from people. You risk ruining your reputation on Facebook.

Outreach Strategy for Advertising: 10 Helps
Here are ten guiding principles for outreach strategy, adapted from a manual co-authored with Eric Ramsey, to consider as you get started.

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