
Thursday, January 04, 2024

Thursday's Catch: '4 Ways to Tackle Deferred Maintenance in the Church' And More

4 Ways to Tackle Deferred Maintenance in the Church
The American church has a problem. It is aging. Not only is the attendance of members aging but so are its buildings. Any revitalizer who has gone to a church faces the obstacle of deferred maintenance. With an aging population and facilities, the one-two-punch of deferred maintenance is killing the church. So, what should a church leadership team do if they find themselves in a situation where the deferred maintenance issues are swallowing up the church’s budget?

Tolkein's Treebeard and th Root Problem of Hastiness
Although few biblical verses outright characterize hastiness as a terrible sin, its existence is a sure sign and warning of a greater sin: pride.

4 Advantages of Advanced Planning for Sermons/Teaching Series
ric Geiger explains the advantages of planning a sermon or teachig series several months in advance.

The Best Nursery Paging Systems For Your Church
If you’re looking for the best nursery paging system for your church, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll look at the top five systems on the market, and we’ll give you an overview of their features and benefits. We’ll also provide a buyer’s guide to help you choose the right system for your church

Beyond Invite and Invest: A Better Plan for Outreach
The church plan for outreach used to be all about the invite. Everyone went to church whether they wanted to or not. It was a cultural expectation. All you had to do was invite someone, and there was a very good chance if your church had the right denominational sign on the building that whoever you invited would show up and get connected to the church. The invite worked; and then it didn’t.

The Urgency of Sending Missionaries to the Unreached
The exclusivity of the gospel demands urgency to extend the gospel.

Conservative alternative to the United Methodist Church surpasses 4,200 member congregations
A theologically conservative denomination that was launched in 2022 to serve as an alternative to the United Methodist Church has already garnered over 4,200 member congregations. The Global Methodist Church, which was officially launched on May 1, 2022, ended 2023 with 4,281 member churches, according to GMC Transitional Connectional Officer Keith Boyette.
The article does not mention what percentage of the congregations forming the new denomination disaffiliated from the Uited Methodist Church nor does it give their size range, the regions in which they are located, or other useful statistics.

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