
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Wedesday's Catch: '8 Ways to Lose Churchgoers Through Change' And More

If you want your regular churchgoers to keep coming back even through change, here are eight things you should avoid.

10 Fresh Pastoral Prayers for the New Year
Before you launch your New Year ministry plan, begin with prayer. How might you pray to start the year?

7 Eye-Opening Misunderstandings Younger Minds Have About Older Generations

Ron Edmondson reflects on misunderstandings he has observed from younger generations about older generations.

Worship is Both Reflective and Determinative
Hymn, palm, and spiritual song provide words that give expression to our thoughts and feelings and help to mold and shape us as Chrisian.Howevr, they ar not the only way that we worship God. Indeed, they are meaningless if our daily lives do not honor God.

To the New and Nervous Scripture Reader
Cindy Matson anticipates some problems, assuage some worries, and add a word of caution.

How You Can Use Your Job Skills to Help the Poor addition to opening up our homes, we need to ask if there are ways our jobs or skill sets can benefit the disadvantaged and poor in our own communities.

Should (Reformed) Missionaries Care About Results?
If missionaries aren’t laboring for lasting fruit, we’re not truly faithful.

Methodist Church issues guidance discouraging use of terms 'husband' and 'wife'
The Methodist Church in Great Britain released an "Inclusive Language Guide" this month advising Methodists to avoid using gendered terms such as "husband" and "wife" because such allegedly assumes what is not "the reality for many people."
Calvin Robinson blames this latest development on his favorite bugaboos, Critical Race Theory and Neo-Marxism, a view that may resonate with a like-mindd segment of the population in the UK and the USA. A more accurate explanation of this development would be an overzealous desire to be culturally sensitive and to not give offense to minority groups in the population.
My impression of Hampton is he is seeking to make a name for himself by embroiling himself in the various contraversies dividing the Church in the twenty-first century and will latch onto anything that draws attention to himself. I am willing to admit that I may be wrong but that is the impression of him which I have.
Downplaying the use of "husband" and "wife" to my mind serves to weaken the biblical doctrine of marriage. This does not have to be intentional. What concerns me is not only the weakening of this doctrine, which our Lord affirms, but also the use of varous bugaboos to cause fear or distress out of proportion to their importance. I see too much of that kind of fear-mongering on social media and the Internet.

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