
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Building A Great Usher Team' And More

Building A Great Usher Team
Your ushers can make or break your worship service.The difference between a grumpy, distracted, and untrained usher compared to a cheerful, engaged, and “serve you with a smile” usher is huge!

C.S. Lewis, the Culture War, and Critical Reading
Don’t just read Lewis’ quotes. Read Lewis’ letters, essays, and books. Instead of mining for gotcha quotes to use on ideological opponents, dig into his works to discover treasures that can shape your thinking.

The absolute worst kind of Christian faith
If being passionate about Jesus Christ means to care most deeply for the Lord, to focus on Him completely, to be willing to devote great amounts of time and energy to pleasing Him, then what would passionless Christianity look like?

Name Your Youth Ministry: Why You Need to Go Beyond Branding
Yes, you can come up with a million names for your teen program. But if you don’t communicate the names correctly, no one will care. Although you should take time to create an effective and catchy youth ministry name, you need to do more than that. The more involves 5 considerations.

What if I’m Not Ready to Be Healed?
Healing comes with a heavy cost.We can release our grip on resentment and rebellion, receive help, and experience renewal in every part of our lives. But....

Multiplication Mindset
What can we learn from the life of Christ about disciple making for church multiplication? What are the transferable concepts for today’s church leaders who are planting churches? How can we intentionally disciple others as we move toward a multiplication mindset?

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