
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Is Your Church Ready for the New World?' And More

Is Your Church Ready for the New World?
How can we encourage church members to be evangelistic in this new world as they interact with people from different faiths and cultures?

Improve Your Youth Ministry Program With 7 Simple Steps
Looking for easy ideas to improve your youth ministry? Then check out these 7 pro tips that lead to powerful impact.

Unleash Your Youth Group
It’s easy to think of Gen Z (the current generation of teenagers) and Gen Alpha (the coming generation of teenagers) as somehow exempt from this gospel call. We may be tempted to think things like, Well, they are too post-Christian or Teenagers are far more concerned about social issues than spiritual ones, or whatever. But the reality is that the gospel is as effective today as it ever was, and teenagers are open to its message.

6 Things That Happen When a Youth Group Focuses on Evangelism
Every youth pastor wants to see their students on fire for Jesus. But what’s the best way to help them get there? Youth ministry tradition says a weekly game, 20-minute sermon, and the occasional special event can do the trick. But tradition is losing its impact on today’s teens who need and want more. Instead, let’s look at 6 things that happen when you switch gears and start to focus on relational evangelism.

They Will Listen: Evangelistic Confidence in a Cynical Age
When it comes to personal evangelism, many Christians might say, “I’m not at all cynical, I’m only experienced.” They’ve tried, and it just doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Again and again, they’ve sought to build relationships and share the gospel with others, only to bump up against apathy or antagonism. Soon, sharing their faith begins to seem like a waste of time.

Bishops Issue Pastoral Letter about Trump’s Rhetoric
Writing as “teachers of the faith” and “shepherds of the souls of our parishioners,” 13 Southern and Southwestern bishops from Province VII issued the following pastoral letter on January 9, about the racial rhetoric of presidential candidate, Donald Trump.... 

Is God the partner of racists?
"I am having trouble understanding, or making sense of, what I am hearing and seeing in this country," writes Susan Smith. "So many white people — and plenty of non-whites as well — are fully committed to the former president. Nothing he has said or done has moved them; the efforts to hold him accountable for his crimes have instead driven more people to support him."

Trump keeps wooing evangelical voters through grievance and promises of protection
“He’s the only savior I can see,” one woman told a reporter as she explained her plans to vote for Donald Trump for the third time this fall. “I believe Trump is appointed by God — appointed-slash-anointed, however you want to say it,” explained another woman. “He’s the only one that’s speaking the truth.”

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