
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'How to Recognize Real Revival' And More

What is revival? And how do you know if what you’re experiencing is real revival or if it’s simply emotionalism?

Generation Alpha Comes into Focus
... a few things are beginning to come into focus about understanding and reaching them. Axios brought many of those things together in a recent article about the only generation born fully in the 21st century. Here’s a precis....

7 Key Steps of Recruiting, Training and Retaining Church Volunteers
Anthoy Coppedge describes 7 key steps for recruiting, training and retaining church volunteers.

How to Recruit Volunteers in Your Church All Year Long (Without Really Recruiting)
Here are five ways you can recruit volunteers all year long.

Church Volunteers Are Only The Beginning: Coaching Your Team Makes All The Difference
Church members bring the gifts but you must train them on how to best utilize their talents and gifts to support your IT infrastructure. This is the key to ensuring a stable, secure, and scalable environment capable of supporting the growth of your organization. The following steps will help you build that foundation and have a strong technical volunteer group.

Discerning in Doctrine But Not Discerning in Character
Sometimes the people who most value discernment in doctrine are the people most prone to neglect discernment in character. They can display a kind of credulity that makes them especially susceptible to listening to and believing untrustworthy sources. Ironically, their emphasis on discernment leaves them vulnerable to lies.

Why Pastors Struggle to Ask for Help (And How to Get Past It)
Why do so many pastors struggle to ask for help?

Three Reasons the Old Testament is More Important than You Think
Here are three reasons why the OT might actually matter a lot more than we think.

Truths the devil uses to stop us from praying
The forces of hell will do anything to keep us from praying.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry subject of clergy misconduct complaint over handling of allegations
The complaint is regarding Curry’s response to abuse allegations against Bishop Prince Singh, the former bishop of the Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan.

A dangerous undercurrent is pulling Americans toward the political extreme. The media is turning a blind eye to it
There is a dangerous undercurrent dragging Americans who wade into the political waters out toward the extreme. But much of the national press, basking ashore on the sun-soaked beach, refuses to acknowledge it in a serious manner.
This undercurrent is not only a serious threat to democracy and the rule of law in this country but also it will greatly harm the cause of the gospel in the United States.

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