
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Asbury revival – My reflection 1 year later' And More

VOICES: Asbury revival – My reflection 1 year later
Evangelicals have prayed for revival in America for decades. But do we know what to do when it happens?

The Dream of an Uncluttered Church
De-cluttering has one significant advantage: focus. When you clear away the clutter, you can focus on the most important tasks at hand.

Getting Honest About Church Planting
The truth about church planting never resembles the architect’s renderings and the slick “plant with us” pamphlets. The realities can leave you confused and disillusioned. Here are five truths that might keep you keep you sane and in the game.

Tackling Human Trafficking: Where Do We Go From Here?
There are a few things every church can do to help push back the darkness of human trafficking in their communities and even in their pews.

10 Truths Jesus Holds About Scripture
It seems everyone has a view of Scripture. Some think it is verbatim God’s Word to us. Others believe it is not the words themselves that are important; it is the experience we have while reading it. In other words, the true Word of God lies behind the text. Others believe it is a book merely written by men. Some will even say, “We follow Jesus, not the Bible.” With all these ideas floating around, asking how Jesus views Scripture seems wise. The first chapter of The Doctrine of Scripture: An Introduction by Mark D. Thompson does precisely that and gives us ten truths Jesus holds about Scripture. Doug Eaton summarizes them in his article.

3 Bible Verses that Teach Us 3 Things About Grace
If you wondered about the importance of “grace” in biblical theology, it’s pretty revelatory to see the word appearing 116 times in the New Testament. But in particular, here are three verses that help us see the truth about grace....

Learning Homiletics from Francis J. Grimké
"...every sermon should have one clear, forceful main point, and everything in the sermon should revolve around, be organized under that, and reinforce the application of that main point."

Preaching a Church Vision Sermon Series? 4 Principles and 4 Tips
Because the fall happens to be in the final weeks of Pentecost season, leading up to Advent, it’s also an optimum time to speak to the church’s identity as the institution Jesus commissioned to extend God’s Kingdom and the good news of Christ into every community. We’ve been empowered by the Spirit to take every opportunity to show and share the good news with everyone. Therefore, it’s an optimum time to preach a “vision series.”

Alistair Begg stands by same-sex wedding advice Pastor Alistair Begg is refusing to backdown following a backlash over his advice to Christians about attending same-sex weddings.
The controversy surroundi listair Beggs'advice to a grandmother who asked him whether she should attend her grandson's wedding to a transgender person has generated more heat than it has light. The question which has gone unanswered is how can Christians establish or maintain relatioships with sinners and share with them the gospel if they are avoiding them and the special events or occasions in their lives.
Diaspora Christians and Theological Education
One issue that preoccupies many theological educators is the post-COVID challenge of navigating the future amid pressure to shift to online learning. The immediate need to respond carefully and thoughtfully to the unknowns of mixed modes of delivery might make us overlook some of the other significant changes we are facing. Theological educators also face a demographic shift shaping both church and seminary.

Image Credit: Asbury University

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