
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: "Is it time to scrap the term ‘Evangelical’?" And More

VOICES: Is it time to scrap the term ‘Evangelical’?
There are many followers of Jesus in America today who do not describe themselves as “Christians.” It is not because they are ashamed of their faith. Instead, it is because the word “Christian” has become so diluted that almost anyone can call themselves a Christian, regardless of how they live or what they believe.

Colorful Compassion
When Jesus was asked to illustrate what loving others was all about, he painted a cross-racial picture. He told a surprisingly colorful (and scandalous) story about a marginalized Samaritan who lavishly loved a more privileged Jew.

VOICES: 10 ways to improve your daily Bible reading habit
Here are 10 practical ways to enhance your daily Bible reading habit and experience a deeper connection with God.

To Lead Quiet and Peaceful Lives: A Christian’s Prayer for Those In High Positions
In 1 Timothy 2:1–2, Paul wants believers to pray all kinds of prayers for all kinds of people. This practice is good and pleasing to God (1 Tim. 2:3). But what are the kinds of things we should pray for? Paul says to pray for “kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Tim. 2:2).

Youth Ministry Numbers in Decline? Please, Try Not to Panic!
Are your youth ministry numbers in decline? For kickoff weekend, the place was filled. Then the next couple of weeks, attendance numbers leveled out. Now you’re beginning to wonder, “Where did everyone go?”

Why Your Church Needs to Be Planning VBS in January
Earlier events on the calendar may push VBS planning to the back burner. But it may be the most important planning of the church year.

An Update on Rooted: One of the Best Discipleship Resources I’ve Ever Seen
"I’m hearing from more and more pastors, across different denominations and church sizes, that Rooted has been instrumental in the growth of their discipleship groups and increased volunteer engagement," reports Thom Rainer, "while significantly impacting the generosity of their people." 

A Believer’s Wake-Up Call
Too many Christians are napping through a high-stakes battle. Here’s why and how to get up and fight.

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