
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'The Hidden Costs of Top-Down Decisions: A 7-Step System for Better Decisions' And More

This post presents a 7-step system to improve decisions, enhance team morale, spark innovation, and build trust. Embrace inclusive leadership for lasting success.

Why the “Fishbowl” of Ministry is Not a Bad Thing, and One Step to Consider
Ordinary Christians as well as pastors live in a "fishbowl." Chuck Lawless explains why that may not be a bad thing.

VOICES: Why God never forces anyone to love Him
Dan Delzell explains why God gave us free will.

Seven Things Church Leaders Need to Consider
When we gather as churches for a celebration of the gospel, or when we sit together for prayer, or when we pore over the scriptures in a group, we are, in those moments, touching something much deeper than we realise. We are engaged in something more eternal than our marriages since at these moments we’ve stepped out of the rehearsal room and onto the stage.

Religious donors keep giving to houses of worship and beyond amid inflation
Most religious donors gave the same amount of money (or more) to their congregations in 2023 as in 2022, a new report finds.

Trump and evangelicals - round two 
It is genuinely baffling to most British Christians that so many of our US counterparts can support a man of Trump's – hardly Christlike – character and actions. And this time round, the prospect of his election threatens to destabilise the entire globe, as he proposes to withdraw support from Ukraine and pull out of NATO.

How to Raise the Spiritual Temperature of Your Church
No one does more to determine the spiritual temperature of your church than the Pastor. It’s part of shepherding. You’re the lid. You’re the limit.

Illness Policy for Children’s Ministry: How to Handle Cold & Flu Season
Why does your children’s ministry need an illness policy? And what type of information should it contain? Read on to learn about best practices for keeping everyone safe.

Redeem Time in the Age of TikTok
Even if you don’t use the app, TikTok represents the experience you’ve likely felt living in an era that emphasizes momentary engagement and instant gratification. TikTok reflects a societal shift from the rigid, though uniting, structures of Mechanical Time to a more fragmented, individualistic, and flexible understanding of time in the digital world.

Take the Test: Is God Calling You to Ministry Leadership?
Is God calling you to serve Him in ministry? First of all, it’s a big YES. God draws lost people to himself to save them, and his desire is that all saved people serve people. So, if you’re a believer, you are called! Obviously, however, there is a kind of “calling” that sets certain individuals apart for positions of ministry leadership. The New Testament refers to some people as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. And they are given to the church to teach, preach, shepherd, equip and instruct.

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