
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: "‘Nones’ Have Always Been with Us" And More

‘Nones’ Have Always Been with Us
The presumption is the rise of the Nones signals an abandonment of faith and increasing irreligiosity. That could be true. But it seems more likely that the Nones have always been with us.

Preteens rejecting several biblical teachings, survey reveals
A prominent Christian researcher is warning that “we are on the precipice of Christian invisibility in this nation,” as new research shows that preteens are rejecting beliefs associated with a biblical worldview.

Navigating a Changing World
How can we navigate change instead of simply avoiding it? What would it take to engage with a changing world and remain faithful in it?

Understanding the Danger of Misinterpreting ‘Born Again’
The concept of being born again in Christianity is essential to the faith. It stems from the words of Jesus Himself in John chapter three. However, the phrase “born again” has sometimes been associated with a range of misconceptions and misapplications that carry potential dangers. Let’s shed some light on these concerns and offer guidance on adhering to a biblically sound understanding of being born again.

What We Learned From Changing Up Our Coffee Area
Hosting a class that is not a class has reminded me that Jesus works in different ways, and as a leader in the church, you should be open to the move of God wherever and whenever he chooses. I have learned three lessons. from observing how sharing Jesus in unstructured ways has impacted the church....

Servant-Leaders Are Distinguished by What They Serve
As heralds of the King, our service and our leadership will be measured by what we serve—the message we deliver.

4 Keys To Get Useful Feedback On Your Worship Leading
How do we get useful feedback from our congregation about our gathered worship life together? Just as is necessary for growth in any areas of our lives, we can improve our worship leading by asking for the opinions and feedback of those around us. While not everything will be observed by those in our congregation, getting feedback gives us some level of objective input on our individual strengths and weaknesses as worship leaders, and also on our team’s strengths and weaknesses.

Sustainable Youth Ministry: 8 Tools for a Strong Teen Program
Sustainable youth ministry is the ultimate goal of youth work. That’s the message of Mark DeVries, author of Sustainable Youth Ministry and leader a Youth Ministry Architects. He teaches how to engineer a youth ministry program for the long haul. Check out these highlights from my interview with Mark about sustainable youth ministry.

Volunteer Culture at Church: Here’s How to Add Faith, Family & Fun
Cultures don’t just happen; people create them. So use these three steps to grow a great volunteer culture at your church and kidmin program.

Make Good Use of Your High-Capacity Volunteers
In children’s ministry, we often think that the worst possible scenario is to overwork a zealous volunteer. We definitely need to be cautious and conscious of overworking someone, but there is something far more sinister and far deadlier than overworking a volunteer: The underutilization of a key volunteer is the danger to your ministry you need to watch out for.

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