
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'What is Lent and why do we keep it' And More

What is Lent and why do we keep it
Lent is a traditional period in the Church calendar which precedes Easter. This the story....

The Real Love of Valentine’s Day
Wednesday is Valentine’s Day, marked by many with romantic dates, gifts of flowers and chocolates, and expressions of love to our significant other. Many forget that it is, more accurately, Saint Valentine’s Day (or the Feast of Saint Valentine). Saint Valentine of Rome was a third-century Roman saint who is commemorated on February 14, the day he was martyred and buried. It has been honored that way since A.D. 496. So why do we associate his day with love?

What modern Christians might learn from the patron saint of plagues, St. Valentine
This year, thanks to a mischievous convergence of the cultural and liturgical calendars, Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day. It’s not the first time (2018 wasn’t that long ago) nor will it be the last (next up is 2029). Theologically, intertwining the start of Lent with a focus on love really ought to be an annual occurrence. We do not enter Lent hopeless or spurned. Properly understood, Lent is more sober than somber

3 Reasons You Need to a Build a Diverse Leadership Team
When people from different cultures become part of one team, it takes time to learn how to work together. But it’s worth it.

Five Essential Sources for Sermon Illustrations and Why They Are Important
Sam Rainer shares the five primary sources from which he gets his sermon illustrations.

Worship Spectators or Participators?
If those of us who lead want congregants to be participators rather than spectators, then we must facilitate worship not just depending on our own strengths and abilities. We must also invest in the strengths and abilities of those with whom we worship and engage them on the field rather than being satisfied with them observing from the stands.

Breaking the Monotony: Tips on finding music to make Holy Communion a more joyful part of the Eucharist
I wrote this article for The Living Church more than two decades ago. The title is not mine. It is the one that TLC gave the article. We still could do more to make Holy Communon a more joyful part of the Eucharist. We have a lot more music available to us today than we did in 1999.

Is Mindfulness Helpful for Stressed-Out Teenagers?
The most stressed-out people in the world are sitting right there in your youth room every Wednesday night. Listen, and you’ll likely hear your teenagers complaining about their workload—homework, college apps, choir tryouts, after-school jobs, SAT prep, chaos at home… The list of woes is long. And they’re not blowing smoke. According to a 2014 American Psychological Association study, no demographic in contemporary culture is more stressed out than adolescents.

4 Practical Tips for Building a Strong Sunday School Team
As a Sunday school leader, you want to ensure that your ministry has a solid foundation—and that includes your team. Consider these practical tips for building a strong Sunday school team.

How to Equip the Church for Evangelism
Big-hearted, well-intentioned Christians want to see the gospel go forth, but they’re at a loss over what to do. That’s because our churches don’t need another event. Instead, the people needed to be equipped. If evangelism is the expectation of every disciple (Matt. 28:19), then disciples need to be equipped in evangelism. But how?

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