
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'What if It’s All True? Going Back to the Basics of Belief' And More

What if It’s All True? Going Back to the Basics of Belief
We must return to the basics of the faith and help others answer the question that informs every area of life: “Who is Jesus of Nazareth?”

The Distorting Power of the Prosperity Gospel one of the world’s poorest continents, Africa was and still is fertile ground for such teaching. Everyone wants their best life now. And most would settle for a materially better life too, but especially those in hard circumstances.

10 Suggestions for Bridging Racial Divides
The racial reckoning that’s been happening across the country has been critically important, but if we let it wane, it will be for nothing.

The Bond of Love
When we come together for the Lord’s Supper, it should remind us of the oneness of the body and spur us to compassion that we might do what we can to share the burdens of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

6 Reasons Why Church Mergers Are A Good Idea Mergers are not the right thing for all churches to do, but the idea is worthy of consideration.

Diffusing Tensions on Social Media
... how can you diffuse the tension on social media? Here are four tips that can help....

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