
Friday, March 08, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'The 3 S’s of Re-Building Community' And More

The 3 S’s of Re-Building Community
Welcome to the next normal in which people are more disconnected and more polarized than in previous generations. And more lonely. Yet the need for belonging is at an all-time high. That’s why I have been exploring what I call the 3 S’s of Re-Building Community: being social, being spiritual, and being of service.
Also See: The Hidden Healing Power of Serving Others and Spirituality is the Key to Re-Building Community.
The little known story of Spurgeon's preacher sister
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the world famous Baptist preacher, had a sister who was also a popular preacher in her day. This is the story....

Gospel-shaped hospitality: witnessing to God’s grace in our ordinary spaces do we structure or center the lives we live in our homes around the gospel? Or what might distinguish the home of a Christian from the home of their secular or Muslim neighbour?

As Trump support merges with Christian nationalism, experts warn of extremist risks
Suddenly, it seems, the term “Christian nationalism” is everywhere. News reports about a rising conservative think tank express concerns about its ties to the movement. A high profile documentary asks whether a new wave of believers will wash away democracy in America. And Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, is increasingly embracing the narrative that he has been chosen by God — that only he can save America from Satan.

Christian Petition Accuses Texas Republican of Attack on Religious Freedom
A large Catholic community is defending an El Paso-based migrant shelter against serious allegations made by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Chaplains and religious leaders mount campaign against school chaplain bill in a dozen states
A growing coalition of faith-based and civil rights groups has launched an opposition movement to bills in more than a dozen states that seek to replace school counselors with untrained chaplains.

How Contemporary Worship Music Is Shaping Us—for Better or Worse
The main value of Singing the Congregation is its thorough description of the world that contemporary worship music has created.

10 Tips for Choosing Worship Songs
Have you ever wondered how worship leaders choose which songs they use? Have you ever wondered how YOU should choose the songs you bring to your church?

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