
Thursday, March 07, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'The Roadmap to Renewal' And More

These steps could help your church refocus on the mission that God has called your local church to.

How Best to Use Overflow Worship Space on Easter
Tom Berlin describes strategies for encouraging your regular attenders to worship in overflow spaces outside the sanctuary when additional seating is needed on Easter so that visitors will feel welcome and have a quality worship experience.

12 Questions Your Church Needs to Ask About Ministry to Women
Women’s ministry is effective in the church, but there’s room for improvement. Pastors need to be asking these 12 questions.

5 Delegation Lessons for Church Leaders
A balanced delegation of tasks may necessitate doing fewer activities and doing better discipleship training. Drawing on his own experience, Karl Vaters offers five delegation lessons for church leaders including: leave guilt at the door, adapt to suit your size, stop activities that are without leadership, do nothing without two leaders, and assess and hone your delegation skills.

‘Baptism Now Saves You’ The Meaning of a Misunderstood Text
Throughout church history, 1 Peter 3:21 has proved to be one of the more challenging texts to interpret in all of Scripture. Not only does the verse appear in one of the more puzzling paragraphs in the New Testament (1 Peter 3:18–22), but Peter seems to depict baptism as actually being salvific. How does baptism save us?

How many types of Jesus are in the Old Testament?
"How many types of Jesus are in the Old Testament? What is typology in the Bible?" Dr. Mitchell Chase answers in Honest Answers, Episode 102.

How to Lead a Bible Study for Men
There are many good reasons to start a Bible study for men. They include growth in understanding and applying the Bible, mutually encouraging relationships, and ultimately lives pleasing to God that have an impact for his glory. In short, getting men into fellowship around Scripture has implications for what God is doing in the world—building his church and fulfilling the Great Commission.

How I Learned to Share My Faith on the Pickleball Court
Half our congregation is made up of new Christians we met at pickleball.

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