
Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'Pastoral Hypocrisy and Bad Preaching Are a Turnoff to Churchgoers' And More

Most churchgoers aren’t leaving a church because they have a personal complaint against the pastor or his preaching, but some are.

Which Kind of Transformation Does Your Preaching Bring?
Our only hope for real transformation through our preaching is the gospel of Christ. Knowing Jesus is the means and goal of transformation.

5 Puritan Prescriptions for Gospel-Centered Preaching
The Puritans possessed what J. I. Packer called “a minute acquaintance with the human heart.” While historical caricatures tend to emphasize their external scrupulosity, in reality they aimed at the inner person by means of what they called the “plain style” of preaching. This method, as outlined by the renowned Puritan expositor William Perkins (1558–1602), encouraged preachers to first explain the text of Scripture, then describe its doctrinal significance, and finally to apply it to the particular “experiences and condition of the church.” The best of the Puritans weren’t content merely to defend doctrine from the pulpit; they sought to apply truth in the pews by engaging the hearts of their hearers. The directives below highlight five key strategies for applying the gospel to the heart.

Preachers, Aspire to Be Relentlessly Interesting
... there’s no reason for solid, biblical preaching to bore people. Crafting a sermon well, with intention, and being passionate in your delivery so your tone reflects the seriousness of the substance, isn’t something new. This has been and remains a perennial concern of Christian exegetes.

A Word to Those who Wish to Help Others Apply the Bible
...whether you are a preacher, Sunday school teacher, small group leader, instructor, coach, parent, discipler, or friend, you must never forget one crucial principle: Do not try to help others to apply a Bible passage without first applying it to yourself.

Four Sermons You Should Write in 2024
Kellen Roggenbuck has created a list of four important sermon topics he believes are "must preach" topics in 2024 along with scripture references that can serve as a foundation.

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