
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'The Power of Personal Invitations: 10 Tips for Inviting People to Church' And More

The Power of Personal Invitations: 10 Tips for Inviting People to Church
...inviting people to church can sometimes feel like a daunting task. So here are 10 tips as you seek to love your neighbors by inviting them into a community centered around Jesus.

Why College Grads and Retirees Make Great Church Planters
The question is no longer if we are called to leverage our lives for the Great Commission; it’s only where and how.

Tell Your Story as a Church Plant
Church planting is incredibly challenging but rewarding work. In the post-COVID-19 world, church doors are open again, and congregations of all sizes are welcoming people back to in-person services. If you’re planting a new church now, it’s more important than ever to tell a connected story across all the spaces where you show up.

Flee, Fight, or Pray?
What should you do if you find yourself in a position where a key leader has left the church and laid the blame at your feet? You can flee, fight, or reconfigure your leadership. What would you choose?

Second vote on Law Amendment will take the spotlight at this summer’s SBC annual meeting
When the Southern Baptist Convention meets in annual session in Indianapolis in June, one vote may be the most consequential in determining the future of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. And it will not be the vote to elect an SBC president. This vote will be the ultimate litmus test for whether the modern-day SBC will be defined by missional cooperation or by doctrinal conformity. And yet it is a vote about something most inside the SBC thought already was settled doctrine — until it suddenly wasn’t. The issue is whether women may hold the office of pastor. Not just “senior pastor” as many churches use the term but any role with the title pastor or with perceived pastoral authority.

Yes, Women Should Go to Seminary
Regardless of where a person sits on the spectrum between complementarian and egalitarian, it is difficult to argue that women cannot or should not benefit from theological training. Whether a church permits a woman to preach on Sunday or serve on a governing board has no bearing on the wealth of insight a seminary-trained Christian can bring to a spiritual community. Church leaders should welcome, celebrate, and champion more people attending seminary, not less.

The Origins of Spiritual Gifts Profiles: Fascinating Research on the How People Think about Spiritual Gifts
The doctrine of spiritual gifts, as we think of it today, is of relatively recent interest. Historically, while the Bible contains doctrines, they were not handed to the church in a systematic form. Rather, over its 2,000 plus years of history, the church progressively discovered and developed doctrines.

Did Paul Preach a Different Gospel than Jesus?
Does Paul create a “theological” story about Jesus that contradicts the “social and ethical” gospel Jesus preached?

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