
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Tuesday' Catch: "A ‘First Aid Kit’ for Churches' And More

A ‘First Aid Kit’ for Churches: Why Churches Must Be Concerned about the Hurting. An Interview with Eddie Moody
Thom welcomes Dr. Eddie Moody, Executive Director of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, for a special series on the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs faced in today’s society. They discuss how the “First Aid Kit” provides pastors and laypeople with the tools and knowledge needed to help the hurting. In this first part, they discuss why individual Christians should be concerned about helping others.

Get Your Church to Love the Community by Helping the Community: An Interview with Eddie Moody
Thom welcomes Dr. Eddie Moody, Executive Director of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, for a special series on the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs faced in today’s society. They discuss how the “First Aid Kit” provides pastors and laypeople with the tools and knowledge needed to help the hurting. In this second part, they discuss why churches should be concerned about helping their communities.

Practical Ways Churches Can Use a ‘First Aid Kit’ to Help Others: An Interview with Eddie Moody
Thom welcomes Dr. Eddie Moody, Executive Director of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, for a special series on the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs faced in today’s society. They discuss how the “First Aid Kit” provides pastors and laypeople with the tools and knowledge needed to help the hurting. In this third part, they discuss how churches can be ready to help others.

Are the People in Your Pews Good Theologians?
Our children’s teachers, adult teachers, deacons, and every person in our churches need to be good theologians.

10 practices to help us cultivate a Jesus worldview
It’s one thing to confess, “I believe in Jesus.” It’s another thing to learn and live by a Jesus worldview. Cultivating a Jesus worldview is the heart of discipleship. In a world filled with diverse ideologies and beliefs, cultivating a Jesus worldview can provide a compass for navigating life’s complexities. Here are 10 key practices to help you foster and deepen this perspective....

Reading the Bible Through a “Jesus Lens”
Followers of Jesus around the world recognize the importance of the Bible to our faith. Whether in daily devotions, Bible studies, or church services, the assumption is that the Bible is a book worthy of reading – and reading often. While there is broad agreement that the Bible ought to be read, there is often less reflection on how it is meant to be read.

Small Groups, Mental Health & A Few Good Men
As you may well know, mental and relational health issues are at what experts believe to be an all-time high in our world. Therapists, counselors, life coaches and psychiatrists routinely have waiting lists for clients who are mentally, emotionally and spiritually desperate to see them.

White evangelicals stand out again in survey of immigration attitudes but other surveys show more openness to a solution
White evangelicals outpace other Christian groups in assuming the worst about immigrants and immigration, Pew Research Center found in a new study. The March 4 report also found Christians overall have more negative attitudes about immigration than those who claim no religious affiliation.

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