
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'How to Manage a Constant Complainer in the Church' And More

How to Manage a Constant Complainer in the Church
The grouchy grumbler. The negative naysayer. The gloomy pessimist. Complaining has many forms. Not every complaint is toxic. Sometimes, a complaint is warranted and can help to identify problems. Additionally, everyone needs to vent from time to time. But many churches have at least one person who complains about everything.
For a better understanding of constant complainers, I recommend Marshall Shelley's Well-Intentioned Dragons: Ministering to Problem People in the Church (Bethany House, 1994).
It wasn’t your imagination: New study proves divisions created in churches by COVID
A new study exposes the stress and pain clergy endured during the COVID-19 pandemic as divisions over public health restrictions transformed many churches into culture-war battlefields.

New book offers help for churches and civic leaders on how to transition church properties
Congregations facing closure or downsizing must think about more than maximizing profits from the sale of facilities and other assets, social entrepreneur and church finance expert Mark Elsdon said.

7 Steps: How to Do an Inductive Bible Study
Learning to read and study Scripture is an important part of the Christian life. And while pastors and teachers are essential gifts of Christ to his church, individual Christians should also be able to pick up any passage and read it with basic understanding and application. How do you do that? The inductive Bible study method is one reliable way.

7 Ideas for Teaching Children in Your Church About Missions
It’s never too early to begin teaching children about missions. How can your church prepare children to believe and share the gospel?

Seriously, How Do You Overcome Social Media Idolatry?
Social media engagement can easily turn into enslavement. How can you overcome its idolatry and enjoy the reality of Christ?

Christians face harassment in over 160 countries as restrictions reach record levels: Pew study
In an alarming trend, Christians experienced harassment in 160 countries in 2021, according to a comprehensive study of 190 countries published by the Pew Research Center, which revealed that government restrictions on religion also reached an all-time high.

Indian State Moves to Criminalize Praying for the Sick
A proposed ban on “magical healing” is the latest government initiative targeting Christian practice and evangelism in Assam.

Poll shows slight dip in US support for LGBTQ rights across religious groups
A strong majority of Americans, and majorities of many religious groups, still broadly support LGBTQ rights.

England's NHS to stop prescribing puberty blockers for kids: 'Not enough evidence'
The National Health Service of England says it will stop providing puberty-blocking drugs for children with gender dysphoria, save for when the drugs are part of a clinical trial. NHS England made the announcement on Tuesday, following several months of research and a review of evidence provided by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

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