
Saturday, April 06, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'How Fingernails Changed My Relationship with the Church' And More

How Fingernails Changed My Relationship with the Church’s your church growing right now? Not “How should they grow?” The latter’s a great question, but don’t miss out on how Christ is remaking your church into his image right now.

Unlike Any Other Book in History
Understanding the Bible is a journey—much more than just reading; it’s about discovering its essence, connecting on a deeper level, and allowing its messages to resonate within our lives. The Bible is unlike any other book in history. It’s the only book that reads you while you read it. Finding ways to understand the Bible offers not just knowledge but opens the door to connecting with the Lord on a much deeper level.

The Secret To Leading an Amazing, Healthy Small Group
This article is about leading an amazing, healthy small group. And if you are reading this article, two things are probably true....

Sin Behind Passive Aggressive Behavior
As church leaders, we have to stop to take a look at any passive aggressive behaviors and the secret sin that may underlie those behaviors.

‘Girls State’ Highlights Abortion’s Role in Growing Gender Divide
It’s hard to ignore the growing political gender gap. Its implications are obvious for the present electoral landscape in the United States, as young women become an increasingly crucial part of the Democratic coalition while young men trend more conservative. But the gender ideological divide seems to be happening in other countries too, and the implications go beyond politics.

Catholic parishes disproportionately closed in poor, Black and Latino neighborhoods
Priest shortages have played a significant role in the decisions to close parishes.

The fight against Hindu nationalism in the United States is multifaith, says a newly formed coalition
A declaration from the newly formed coalition Savera: United Against Supremacy expressed the group's 'acute concern' of Hindu nationalism, which they say now 'finds itself in a deepening alliance with various facets of the American far-right.'

In considering the suitability of a candidate to hold the office of President of the United States (or any other political office) a number of other critical factors must be taken into consderation beside the policies that the candidate proposes to pursue. These factors include their psychological make-up, their emotional and psychological stability, their mental acuity, their financial dealings, the foreign actors or others with foreign connections to whom they may be beholding, their moral character, their past and present behavior (particular their treatment of other people and their ability to build cooperative relationships and to work harmoniously with others),  their motives, their commitment to democracy and the rule of law, their actual truthfulness and trustworthiness as opposed to their imagined truthfulness and trustworthiness, their criminal record, their legal entanglements, the motives and plans of those who hope to benefit from the candidate's election, and the impact they are likely to have upon the cause of the gospel in the United States and beyond. 

The peril radicalizing some evangelicals goes beyond Christian nationalism
Christian supremacists are plotting the end of America as we know it.

Clinical social worker: "With the Trump Bible, one must consider dementia"
Fascism is a type of political religion. Donald Trump is preaching the religion of fascism.

Trump’s bizarre, vindictive incoherence has to be heard in full to be believed
Donald Trump’s speeches on the 2024 campaign trail so far have been focused on a laundry list of complaints, largely personal, and an increasingly menacing tone.

The overlooked detail in Trump’s Bible sales pitch
An important detail was lost in the outrage and disgust over Donald Trump’s decision to get into the business of selling bibles. It was overlooked, because few people in mainstream American culture recognize its significance, and they didn’t recognize it, because they were not raised and educated by white conservative Protestants.

MAGA’s Christian nationalism excludes a vast majority of Christianity
You have probably heard a lot of scary things in the news lately about something called “Christian nationalism.” Without going into the weeds about what these people want in terms of policy, it’s important to understand who they are, and who they are is pretty simple: people who believe America was founded as a Christian nation for Christians.

Robert B. Reich: Trump’s 5-step fascist plan
On Friday, Trump posted a video featuring an image of President Biden hog-tied — with hands and feet bound together. Trump has previously posted doctored photos and videos depicting him physically attacking Biden, such as hitting Mr. Biden with golf balls. It’s all part of Trump’s 5-step fascist plan.

'In office forever': Trump's Project 2025 partner calls for ending presidential term limit
Conservatives are advocating to repeal the U.S. Amendment that limits presidential terms, prompting President Joe Biden's campaign to warn an election year victory for former President Donald Trump could allow him to remain "in office forever."

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