
Saturday, April 06, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, April 7, 2024) Is Now Online


Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Easter. It concludes the Octave of Easter, a period of eight days that began on the First Sunday of Easter: Easter Day. In the Western Church it has historically been called White Sunday, Quasimodo Sunday, Bright Sunday, and Low Sunday.

John Wesley, an Anglican minister, a leading figure in the Eighteenth Century Evangelical Revival, and the founder of the Methodist Movement, received Holy Communion not just on Easter Day, the premier Communion Sunday in the Church of England, but also on every day of the Octave of Easter. It was Wesley’s practice to receive communion every four or five days and more often at Christmas and Easter. Wesley encouraged Methodists to celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week.

Reading: 1 John 5: 1-6

Message: “Perfected in Love”


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

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