
Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'What is a Gospel Centred Church?'

What is a Gospel Centred Church?
A gospel-centred church is marked by its Christ exalting worship, grace-filled community, and missional presence in the world.

Make Your Church a Safe Sanctuary
In a perfect world, churches would serve as true sanctuaries of safety and peace for all who enter their doors. Unfortunately, the reality of abuse within faith communities reminds us that constant vigilance is necessary.

How can the church help youth struggling with mental illness?
With the demands of social media and the stress and challenges of greater social isolation as evidenced during the COVID pandemic, youth today are facing significant pressure with limited support.

Don’t Fall for Flat Earth Theology
Why you can't just "love Jesus" and be done.

Hold to Christ and loosen your grip on the rest
The noted Cambridge historian Herbert Butterfield in his book Christianity and History, closes with the words: “Hold to Christ, and for the rest be totally uncommitted.” Those may be words most needed these days when we are tempted to place one ideology or another, right and left, ahead of or alongside Christ.

5 Major Truths in John’s Brief Letters
The timeless themes of John’s letters serve to equip the church in the midst of today’s cultural challenges.

God Forgives Because God is Faithful
Grace is such a tough concept for us to embrace. It’s simple enough to define – God’s undeserved favor – but nearly impossible to internalize for most people.

Vatican to weigh in on the supernatural, Marian apparitions
This Friday, the Vatican will release a document with new norms for discerning Marian apparitions and other supernatural phenomena, the first time those norms have been updated since 1978.

10 Ways to Connect with Today's Kids
"Today’s kids are not yesterday’s kids. If we are going to reach today’s kids,we must understand them."

5 Principles of Making Disciples and Enabling Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth of believers should be the goal of any church. We are to reach unbelievers and introduce them to Christ, but the end goal according to the command of Jesus is making disciples. It would even make sense then, that as much as we count the offering or attendance on Sundays, if we want to know we are being successful as a church, we have to somehow “count” our success at making disciples.

Reflecting the Character of God
We reflect attributes of our parents for reasons of both nature and nurture. Many of our characteristics are genetic and hereditary (nature). We also become more like our parents in time, as we are impacted by their example (nurture). In the same way, you reflect your Father’s attributes because of nature and nurture.

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