
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Why Are Churchgoers Disenchanted With Your Church?' And More

Why Are Churchgoers Disenchanted With Your Church?
Of the churchgoers who left the church for a reason other than a residential move, 1 in 4 (26%) simply became disenchanted with the church.

Church Planters: How Do You Find The First 50?
Experienced pastors share the keys to launching a new church....

Acts of Kindness Aren’t Random
...kindness is one fruit of the Spirit that we can’t practice in isolation. We might experience peace in our own hearts and minds or exercise self-control when we’re alone, but we demonstrate kindness in relationship. As Zechariah 7:9 illustrates, kindness isn’t something we show to ourselves; it’s something we show to one another.

Fostering Community: Group Activities for Children’s Ministry
Fostering community within your children’s ministry and church is like planting seeds in a garden. With loving care, attention, and welcoming activities, faith flourishes while friendships bloom. While fostering community among kids, parents, and guests, you nurture an environment where everyone learns and grows.

Summer Church Activities: 7 Faith-Builders for Families
Looking for summer church activities for families? Then check out these easy, inexpensive, yet powerful suggestions. The ideas are sure to spark great conversations about faith.

How to Create Your Own Small Group Curriculum
Good small group curriculum is written to the needs of a particular group. It causes that group to grow. It causes that group to stretch. It causes that group to think. It makes that group a little more like Jesus.

6 Reasons Our Discipleship Strategies Miss the Mark
If your church is like mine, your mission or vision or purpose probably includes some aspect of the Great Commission. Many of us have even gone a step further and proclaimed that we are in the business of making disciples and we’ll know we are succeeding when we make some amount of more and better disciples. So . . . if we’re all trying to hit the same target, why are so many of our discipleship strategies missing the mark?

It's time for a new thing in global Christian missions
When Jesus gave His command to His disciples to "...go and make disciples of all nations...", (Matthew 28 16-20 NIV), the only way then to reach people was to physically go into new areas and find places they congregated. This digital era in which we live presents different opportunities to reach people globally, and many would argue faster than ever before.

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