
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'The Mark of a Political Christian' And More

The Mark of a Political Christian
There is to be one defining mark of a political Christian.

6 Reasons Why Christians Behave Badly
It's not fun to be treated poorly by anyone, but why do people who are supposed to be loving, kind, and forgiving—yes, I'm referring to Christians—behave badly? Here are six reasons....

New Pastor, Stay at Your Church Longer than 5 Years
Why? It takes time for a congregation to adapt to you as their pastor, for them to see your love. It also takes time for you to demonstrate you can persevere in faithfulness and rest in God’s grace.

4 Subtle Signs of Stress
For years doctors have warned us that prolonged stress can hurt our bodies such as causing high blood pressure and stomach problems. But as neuroscientists learn more about our brains, they’re discovering that stress can diminish brain functioning which in turn shows up in subtle ways in our bodies. Take the quick self evaluation below and ask yourself if any of these are true of you.

Confronting the Challenges of Leading Evangelism
Many pastors and leaders feel that leading evangelism is the most challenging part of their job...A first barrier that many pastors face is the enduring split between the clergy and the laity, the pastor and the people, the professional and the lay.

United Methodist Church passes historic resolution on persecuted Indian Christians
UMC calls on US State Department to declare India a “Country of Particular Concern”

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