
Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'The Hidden Reason Churches Nail Worship' And More

The Hidden Reason Churches Nail Worship
The hidden reason churches nail worship is because the pastor leads out in worship.

5 Results Every Pastor and Church Desires From a Building Project
No matter what size of building project, what the scope of work, or what the budgetary constraints, every renovation, expansion, or new construction project has challenges and potential pitfalls. The responsibility of your building partner is to help you navigate all the hurdles, obstacles, and challenges with as little interruption to your main focus – ministry – as possible. A building partner who understands this responsibility and takes it seriously, will deliver a project that meets or exceeds these 5 criteria.

A Christian view of suicide and assisted suicide
In thinking about the proposal to legalise 'assisted dying' from a Christian perspective there are two preliminary points that need to be noted.

10 Big Things Jesus Said That We Keep Forgetting
I apologize for the title. Everything our Lord said was “big.” It’s just that some of His statements in particular seem to have been muted in recent years. See what you think.

Empowerment in Ministry: Unleashing the Power of Delegation for Pastors
Delegation has transformative potential for you and your local church, unlocking new levels of impact in your ministry and church.

8 Blessings of Studying Your Bible
Between the “already” of your conversion and the “not yet” of your final home going, few things are more important in the Christian life than a practical and functional level of biblical literacy. One of the Father’s most important gifts to his children in the here and now is the gift of his Word. Without studying your Bible you simply won’t be what God has called you to be and consistently do what God has commanded you to do. Studying your Bible gives the ability to draw wisdom and insight out of the pages of his amazing Book.

How to Plan a Pastoral Hospital Visit
Showing kindness to the sick from a distance—paying bills, meal trains—is surely not wrong, but what is interesting about the biblical command to visit the sick is the emphasis Scripture places on embodied presence.

12 Easy Ways to Improve Your Listening
True listening isn’t just hearing words but selflessly seeking understanding. It’s the quietest way to shout, “I love you.”

The 'E-Word'
Episcopalians are not the only churchgoers for whom the topic of evangelism is toxic. Researcers tell us that just 6% of the churches in the United States engage in evangelism.

Practicing Christians, Scripture engaged more skeptical of AI than general public: poll
Practicing Christians and Scripture-engaged believers are more skeptical of artificial intelligence than the American public as a whole, according to a new survey.

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