
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'A Small Church Is Still Part of the Big Mission' And More

A Small Church Is Still Part of the Big Mission
Don’t let the size of the mission overwhelm your church or distract you from it. The source of the mission is found in Christ alone.

What happened in the ten days between Ascension and Pentecost?
Between Ascension and Pentecost, the surviving eleven apostles replaced Judas and appointed the 13th apostle. This is the story....

Former Trump official Elizabeth Neumann wants to combat Christian extremism
'We've reordered, if you will, in the incorrect order: Politics is the premier as opposed to our trust and faith in Jesus,' said the extremism expert.

15 Misperceptions about Ministry 
Forty-three years ago last month, I began full-time ministry. Looking back, I realize now how many misperceptions I had about ministry then. Here are some of them—without much elaboration, since they’re usually self-explanatory....

Pastors and the Paradox of Being Resented and Revered
Here are three truths about the paradox of being resented and revered.

9 Tools for Leading a Life-Changing Bible Study
Having the right tools available can open a conversation around God’s Word that will eventually lead to discipleship. You don’t need seminary training to lead a great Bible study. All you need is some planning and a few tools.

An Unequally Yoked Small Group
About 14 years ago, Mun Kit Au and his wife, Josephine, a Malaysian Christian couple, left their small group to try a new small group approach to reaching non-believers. In this article Sarah Eekhoff Zylstral tells their story.

Dignifying the Digital Ordinary
What does it mean to be a prism of God's light on social media? In what ways do our digital "doors" point people to the cross?

Living and Drifting when in Transition
What is it about the middle? Don’t you find that we often quit in the middle? We get scared, and then we quit. We run out of money, and then we quit. We run out of time, we’re not serious enough, we lose interest, we settle for being mediocre, or we just focus on the short term instead of the long term…and then we quit. And doesn’t all of that usually happen when we’re in the middle?

10 Things You Should Know About the Fruit of the Spirit
Just as physical fruit is a delight to our senses, spiritual fruit is a delight to our souls. Through the Spirit working within us, God produces a harvest of good fruit that can be shared with others. As we anticipate his harvest, here are 10 things we can savor about spiritual fruit, from the authors of our new devotional, Fruitful: Cultivating a Spiritual Harvest that Won’t Leave You Empty.

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