
Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'A Quick Overview of the Triple Nones' And More

A Quick Overview of the Triple Nones
Only eight percent of Americans are triple nones, meaning that they never attend church; they have no beliefs about God; and they claim no religious affiliation or preference.

What Does it Mean to be 'Religious'? Behavior, Belief, Belonging and the Problem of Religiosity
Consider this post as a little mini-lecture about how academics think about the measurement of religiosity. And also check out this module from the ARDA with a bunch more information about measuring religiosity.

Beware Social Myths: Why Memes Offer Symbol Over Substance in the Culture Wars
The problem with social myths is they distract us from the core issues, seducing us into meaningless identity signaling that doesn’t advance our causes or the gospel.

Gospel Hope for a Culture Fixated on Getting Even
A particular theme percolates through pop culture these days, so commonplace we’ve almost called it normal: the desire for revenge.
It is also a theme antithetical to what Jesus taught and modeled.
How to Become a Do-Something Preacher (Part 1)
Jesus was a do-something preacher. He didn’t want people to just listen to what he said. He wanted them to do something as a result of what he taught them.

Becoming a Do-Something Preacher (Part 2)
As a preacher, it’s never enough just to communicate information. God didn’t call us to be seminary professors or entertainers. God called us to be do-something preachers. He expects us to preach for transformation.

The Once and Future Prayer Book
"The Book of Common Prayer, although mutable and equivocal, is the measuring-stick of Anglophone piety—and ever shall be, world without end."

7 Questions for Creating a Fall Training Event for Group Leaders
Fall isn’t far away. It’s time to make a commitment to support your group leaders by introducing a regular rhythm of training.

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