
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'The Church and Mission in Europe Today: Changing the Narrative' And More

The Church and Mission in Europe Today: Changing the Narrative
An extraordinary re-evangelization of Europe is underway. I think we can identify three primary dimensions of that re-evangelization. What follows is a summary but you can read much more in my Europe 2021 report.

Evangelical Identity
When is an evangelical not an evangelical? Research released from Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts shows people with evangelical beliefs often do not use the word “evangelical” to describe themselves.

Karl Vaters: De-Size the Church
Where did our obsession with “bigness” in relationship to church size come from? It’s a relatively new thing. And yet, when you pastor within a culture that is obsessed with bigness, you don’t even recognize the water you’re swimming in. The Church Growth Movement has been around for about 40 years. We now have enough distance from it and enough time in it to be able to step back and make a proper assessment of it.

I Don’t Want My Church to Be Small. But It Is. Now What?
Don't let your desire for church growth stop you from appreciating the importance of doing great ministry right here, right now, at your current size.
Also see: Church Growth And The Myth Of Inevitability, I Don’t Want Churches To Be Small; I Want Small Churches To Be Great, and 7 Dangers Of Romanticizing The Small Church
Who Can Lead a Dinner Church? with Jeremy Veninga
Who starts a Dinner Church? In this episode, Verlon reconnects with Jeremy Veninga, who leads two Dinner Churches in St. Louis. Jeremy describes his sense of calling, and how he overcame his lack of formal education. Listen and learn how God is using everyday people to do extraordinary things.

3 Benefits of Being the Pastor
Despite the universal challenges faced by simply being a pastor, Hispanic congregations in the U.S. have unique dynamics.

Dear Parent… Yours in Christ, Youth Worker 
Part of a series ‘Raising the Bar on Youth Ministry,’foundational exhortations and fresh thinking from Australian youth ministry leaders.

From Negative to Positive
What would happen if you simply changed your language from a negative posture to an opportunistic posture? Leaders who position a volunteer opportunity as laying up treasure in heaven and making an influence in the kingdom of God go significantly further than those who come to the conversation with an attitude of sorrow and burden. You are not a burden to those you lead.

5 Reasons Your Church Should Check Out Google Ad Grant
Did you know that Google gives qualifying nonprofits up to $10,000 monthly in free advertising money? It can feel like a gimmick or that there’s some string attached, but the reality is that when someone in your community searches for “things to do with special needs kids,” “local events,” “loneliness” or any other keywords you target, your church’s ad can show up at or near the top of their search results. It’s a powerful tool that can turn into your church’s automatic invite system. Here are five reasons why the Google Ad Grant is worth your time to look into....

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