
Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday's Catch: "Rick Warren at Lausanne 4: ‘Part of finishing the task is re-evangelizing the Church’" And More

Rick Warren at Lausanne 4: ‘Part of finishing the task is re-evangelizing the Church’
Ahead of his speech Saturday at the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization, Rick Warren, founder of Saddleback Church in California, warned believers must re-evangelize nominal Christians to fulfill the Great Commission, adding that some Christians have traded "spiritual power for political influence."

Breaking down the barriers to evangelism
For the past 25 years, I've been working alongside local churches and individual Christians who are eager to become more effective in sharing their faith. During this time, I've come to realize that while many believe evangelism is important, they often feel like someone else is better suited for the task.

The Religion of America's Young Adults (And how the gender gap could be the story going forward). 
The gender divide among younger Americans is one of the most hotly discussed topics right now among social scientists...For decades, folks who study religion have always assumed that women exhibit higher levels of religious devotion and attachment. This Pew Research Report is worth perusing on that point.

VOICES: People are tired of Church drama
The decline of Christianity in the United States has been a significantly reported trend over the past few decades. Several major studies and surveys have illustrated this decline. I think that what has contributed to this trend the most in the United States is that most Christians are tired of church drama.

Proposed deal with Vanderbilt could keep a struggling Episcopal seminary in NYC afloat
An earlier plan to partner with a music school with ties to a conservative Catholic donor fell through. The new lease, if approved, could help GTS through a fiscal crisis.
Related Article: General Seminary to Lease Campus to Vanderbilt University
What your faith community needs to know for Suicide Awareness Month
While Suicide Awareness Month is a good time to talk about mental health in church, it is a relevant topic year-round. With world tragedies on constant social media display — often coupled with traumatizing images or videos — and the typical milieu of day-to-day life stressors big and small, it’s safe to say church members everywhere have experienced some kind of psychological anguish or pain. And moving out of September, there are many ways ministers can be present to these issues throughout the year.
Related Article: Ohio church’s suicide loss support group offers families, friends a place to grieve
Six types of people today’s church leaders have to try to shepherd in a single congregation...
When you think of your local church, you probably conjure up a picture of a group of people that has little variation to it. But the truth is, when describing any group of people, including a local church, you’re actually dealing with a conglomerate of individuals, complete with their own temperaments, their own personalities, their own characters, and lots (and lots!) of individual opinions. You might say shepherding a local church is kind of like herding cats ... just harder!

The Uncarnation of Christ?
One of the devil’s greatest ploys is to distance us from the realness of Jesus. While heresy is a handy tool for the evil one, an orthodoxy wielded and tilted at the wrong angle can also do his work.

Many Tongues: Worship for World Communion Sunday
A celebration of World Communion Sunday need not be odd or uncomfortable for people with a limited experience of languages and cultures other than their own (see p. 3). Any time we plan worship, we need to ask, What is the authentic “language” (ethos, perspective, culture) of the congregation? In what forms can the gospel be heard most clearly, and in what language(s) can the congregation glorify God most freely?
Related Article: A Taste of Reality: Celebrate World Communion Every Sunday
The Beauty of Scripture’s Word Pictures
Have you ever paused and considered God’s incredible gift of language? Through words we communicate, understand, and connect with each other. They have the power to encourage and exhort; to make ourselves known and to know another. Words matter to God, for He chose to reveal Himself through them–through Scripture, the “Word of God,” and ultimately through His Son, Jesus, who is called simply “the Word” in John 1:1. God is the ultimate wordsmith.

Creating Community
Disciple making is not merely a transfer of information. It’s not simply making better choices. Disciple making is certainly not a process. After all, you’re not manufacturing widgets. And, as I’ve written before, sermons don’t make disciples. Character is formed in community. How is community formed? Here are some ways to connect your congregation into community....

Beyond the Classroom: Outdoor Activities for Kids’ Spirituality
Beyond the classroom and church, faith can flourish. Outdoor activities offer powerful opportunities for children to connect with God. Sunday school teachers and parents can encourage spiritual growth out in nature in many meaningful ways.

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