
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday Lagiappe: 'It’s Getting Crazy (Again) for Pastors and Politics' And More

It’s Getting Crazy (Again) for Pastors and Politics
Should pastors address politics from the pulpit? Or in any format that flows from their platform as spiritual leaders?

How the US government can stop ‘churches’ from getting treated like real churches by the IRS
New developments, including the increasing diversity of faith communities and the advent of worship through streamed services, have rendered the IRS definition of a church outdated.

Anglican Church of Southern Africa rejects blessings for same-sex couples
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has rejected a proposal to allow bishops to approve blessings for couples in same-sex unions in parishes that want to offer them.

After a crackdown on sexuality, two dozen CRC churches head for the exits
At its 2024 synod in June, the Christian Reformed Church instructed LGBTQ-affirming congregations to repent and comply with the denomination’s beliefs on sexuality. Some are now choosing to leave.

‘A constant trickle … until there’s little or nothing left’
Massive loss of cultural wealth feared as cash-strapped churches struggle to preserve buildings.
Related Article: Parish vows to rebuild historic Toronto church destroyed by fire—and keep it a home for Canadian art
How the numbers connect declining birth rates and fear of immigrants
Al Mohler is obsessed with declining birth rates, and Donald Trump is obsessed with villainizing immigrants. It turns out there’s a connection between these two ideas.

Rome’s Seven Deadly Errors
John Piper explains why we should be seriously concerned with Roman Catholic teaching.

Three Game-Changers for People-Pleasing Leaders
Emotionally healthy leaders are fueled by healthy motivations.

The joy of being home in the local church
Being part of your own local church family is wildly different from hopping from church to church. Many Christians visit a range of different churches but don’t settle in one. Others travel to different church sites in the virtual world to experience different preaching and worship. While the actual content you might absorb in church hopping or from different online preachers might be great, it is no substitute for being part of a local church where people know you and you know other people.

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