Wednesday, July 05, 2006

New Green Card for The Episcopal Church

[St. Andrew's Cathedral] July 5, 2006--Australia's appearance at the World Cup was marred by referees' decisions. It was not just the questionable final moments of the Italian game. The earlier game against Croatia showed the fallibility of referees.

In the heat of confusion the English referee Graham Poll gave a Croatian player Josip Simunic a third yellow card. The rule that "A player who receives 2 Yellow Cards is given a Red Card and ejected" was lost in the mayhem of the last few minutes of the game. Mr Poll has reportedly retired from refereeing.

Another English referee who is finding it difficult to deliver the red card is the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Episcopal Church of the United States of America has been warned repeatedly, but has remained impenitent. The final warning from the world body came last year but at the recent 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church there was a clear and unmistakable refusal to accede to the warning.

So it was time to show the red card. But the Archbishop chose to consider the possibility of a new green card.

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