Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: " God Can Use a Church of Any Size' And More

If the pandemic has taught the Christian church anything, it is that God can use any person, any size church, to expand the gospel. All he needs is a willing vessel.

What Are You Calling a Church?
In the words of renowned theologian Inigo Montoya, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” The word I am referring to here is church. And when it comes to communication between missionaries and Christians back in their supporting churches, this word is used often, but almost never defined. What often results is a failure in communication that leaves both parties feeling good, but ultimately failing to serve one another well.

Growth for some churches staying United Methodist
As the United Methodist Church fragments, some UMC churches are benefitting from the fragmentation; others are not.

Bishop Scott Jones moves from ‘extreme center’ of UMC to new Global Methodist Church
He isn't the first bishop to leave the United Methodist Church for the fledgling conservative denomination. But his exit has arguably caused the greatest stir.

On the Disciplining of Bishops
Retire United Methodist bishop William H. Wilimon responds to David F. Watson's critcism of the failure of United Methodist bishops to act like bishops.

Why revival must be tethered to Scripture
A revival experience that is not tethered to Scripture can result in a person drifting far off course.

3 Online Strategies to Convert Seekers Into Visitors
Countless people in your community are searching for more meaning, more relationship, more depth, more Jesus. And now, as they attempt to find what they are looking for, it is the church’s job to ensure they find it.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday's Catch: 'If You’re a Small Church, Stop Trying to Look Big' And More

If You’re a Small Church, Stop Trying to Look Big
Why embracing your size, can make you remarkable....
Michael E Marshall, an English Anglican bishop, made the same point in his book , Renewal in Worship, published in 1985. He urged small churches to stop trying to imitate the worship of large churches and tailor their worship to their circumstances. It is good advice.
‘No Celebrities Except Jesus’: How Asbury Protected the Revival
While tens of thousands flocked to campus, school officials met in a storage closet to make decisions that would “honor what is happening.”

What is revival? A guide for Gen Z
Last week I received an email from Zoe, one of our newer and younger team members here at Dare 2 Share. She wanted to know about the Asbury Revival. Actually, she wanted to know about “revival” in general. Here’s the e-mail she sent me....

What Our Reaction to Revival Reveals About Us
The Asbury awakening exposes the tensions in modern evangelicalism—and within our own hearts.
A video on YouTube claims that gays and homosexuals are leading the the Asbury Revival. An article on United Methodist Insight website claims that conservative students with supernaturalist leanings and sympathetic to the breakaway Global Methodist Church form the core of the Asbury students involved in what has been happening at that university.
History tells us there's no such thing as a perfect revival, but ...
As a church historian, it has been interesting to see how Christians have responded to the recently concluded revival at Asbury University. Some people thanked God for the outpouring of His spirit, while others cautiously encouraged the revival but warned that only time will tell if this bears fruit. Then there are the naysayers.

Why Christianity is both less and more narrow than you think
I had an atheist friend ask me how I could live with the narrow claims of Christianity. “How do you feel about being so narrow minded?” he asked me. I was a bit amused by the irony of his question.

More than Music: How the Congregation Plays a Part in Every Element of Worship
Corporate worship encompasses much more than music. In fact, every element of Christian worship involves the active participation of the entire congregation.

Strong Congregational Singing: 12 Things To Avoid<br/> I love it when congregations sing so loud that the soundman has trouble hearing the worship band over the people singing around him. Worship leaders – if the congregation is not singing, we are not doing what God has called us to do. Here are a few things that I’ve learned to avoid in order to encourage the congregation to sing.

Millennial parents...what you need to know
The Millennials (ages 27-to-42) are the parents of the children in your ministry. Here are some important findings that you need to know about them.

Choosing the Right Curriculum for Your Church’s Groups Ministry
Do you feel the weight of choosing curriculum for groups at your church? Here are a few curriculum myths and some things to look for.

7 Great Summer Church Outreach Ideas
Summertime is my favorite.... And it is a GREAT time as a church to make yourself known in your community. We’ve got seven summer church outreach ideas for you to do this year.

LGBT identification doubled in past decade, including nearly 20% of Gen Z: Gallup
The share of the American population identifying as LGBT has doubled over the past decade as Generation Z is more likely than older Americans to identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or something "other" than heterosexual in new Gallup data.

Image Credit: Asbury University

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, February 26, 2023) Is Now Online

Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows! The best description of All Hallows Murray is an online gathering place for Christians and those exploring the Christian faith. The services of praise, proclamation, and prayer that are offered on this blogsite are not intended to replace those of a local church but are offered for the benefit of those who are unable to attend a local church for any reason, who may be traveling, or who wish to test the water before taking the plunge, or who otherwise may benefit from them.

Reading: Luke 6: 43-49

Message: Plain Talk: A Tree and Its Fruit; The Two House Builders


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Split or Stay? Encouragement for Anglican Pastors' And More

A few days ago, church leaders representing the majority of Anglicans worldwide broke communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury over the Church of England’s recent decision to bless same-sex unions. This situation has put many of my English friends in a difficult position. Many others are or have been in similar circumstances—whether Methodist or Presbyterian or other affiliations.

6 Key Questions to Ask of Your Sermon Before You Preach It
Before you preach your next sermon, take the time to answer these 6 questions. If you do, you’ll have greater clarity for the content of the message and the congregation will have greater clarity for the expected action from the message. So pastor, grab your sermon and ask God for wisdom as you dive into these questions.

If You Feed Them, They Will Come
Too often instead of feeding students the solid food of the faith, our aim becomes merely entertaining our students, providing an atmosphere that is fun and comfortable, and, well . . . entertaining. Whether we realize it or not, we go to extraordinary lengths to make sure we create an environment that feels just like the everyday world in which our students live. While there is something to be said for this, too often we end up creating an atmosphere in which we’re really just trying to compete with secular culture for our students’ attention using the very same means that the world uses. It’s easy to spot how flawed this approach is.

Hope for Those Tempted to Control Their Children’s Spiritual Lives
...control in parenting can easily take a negative turn. When we hear these stories of departure from the faith as parents, we choose to take our children’s lives into our own hands. We assume tight control over every aspect of their world, from the school they attend to the kids they play with to their household chores. Our lack of trust causes us to take the reins and hold tightly. If we are not careful, in the process we can miss out on valuable lessons that help our children grow and develop.

What Culture Is Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality: 7 Ways to Respond
Though gender dysphoria does exist, there is a contagious quality to the rising trend of transgender youth that is more than a coincidence. Children who identify in this social sphere have strong peer influences and an overpowering media presence, celebrating and even urging kids to wear any label but heterosexual or cisgender (a person whose gender identity corresponds with their biological sex).

. 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe
Don’t get me wrong—I’m not belittling the pain and suffering of those families whose children are kidnapped by a stranger. In this article, I will make a case for retiring the “stranger danger” mantra and outline a better way to safety-proof our children.

The Joys of Small Groups
Scott Hollingshead shares three reasons that he loves being a part of a small group.

40: God’s Number for Life Change
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the 40 days of Lent. For reasons unknown to us, the length of 40 – whether 40 days or 40 years – has been significant throughout biblical history....

Evangelism Is Sharing an Experience, Not Closing a Deal
You were born again for evangelism. Jesus said if we follow Him, we will be fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). He also said we would receive the Holy Spirit and be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). Both of these passages remind us that Christians should be evangelists. Our witness to others, however, should be as a satisfied customer, not a commissioned salesperson.

Texas Megachurch Relents, Follows UMC Rules to Exit Denomination
One of the largest United Methodist congregations in Texas that had sought to circumvent the denomination's process on disaffiliation has relented and allowed its members to vote on exit, as well as agreeing to pay the required departure fees to retain its property.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'What Will Your Church’s Legacy Be?' And More

What Will Your Church’s Legacy Be?
We all want to make a kingdom impact both now and when we leave this earth. We all want to be called “good and faithful servant.” But what does this kind of eternal legacy look like? And how can you as a leader—regardless of the size or context of your church—make this kind of impact?

3 Mistakes Church Leaders Make Responding to Sexual Abuse Allegations
Here are common mistakes churches make when they receive allegations of sexual abuse and steps you can take to prevent these mistakes.

Hearts Strangely Warmed at Asbury
Everybody seems to have an opinion about the Asbury revival by now, but a lot of those opinions are simply thoughts on revival in general. Those are important conversations to have. But as Asburians out West, we want to help explain this Wilmore moment with specific attention to its history and context. By connecting a few dots, we hope to make the significance of this revival understandable to outsiders.

What Is True Revival?
The point of this post is not to talk about Asbury, but to talk about the Bible. While the Bible doesn’t use the word “revival,” it does detail instances in the lives of God’s people where sudden and surprising change takes place. Whether we call it an “awakening” or “renewal” or “reformation” or “revival,” there have been times throughout history—including biblical history—where the God who normally works by ordinary days (Zech 4:10) has chosen to work in extraordinary ways.

A Full Circle Moment at the Asbury University Revival
Please don’t hate on what is happening in Wilmore, Kentucky. This place is electric with God’s presence, and it has sparked a revival and renewal in the hearts of a new generation who long to see God move again in miraculous ways.

25 Common Myths About Christianity, And Answers From James Emory White
Looking for a help in answering common objections to our faith? James Emery White ’s A Search for the Spiritual: Exploring Authentic Christianity (Baker Books) is an excellent resource. Here are some the topics James Emory White addresses....

7 reasons why the Church should celebrate weekly communion
Nowadays, many evangelical churches interpret “sola scriptura” to mean that they can do whatever they want as long as there’s some adherence to the Bible. We fail to realize that the early church observed certain practices and methodologies that should not be compromised.

5 Ways to Practice a Holy Lent
Lent is a holy season of reflection and renewal. It begins with ashes and ends with the glorious sunrise of Easter morning’s empty tomb. Traditionally, Lent is a time of sacrifice and self-denial. Giving up little pleasures is one way to practice a Holy Lent. But with so much suffering, sadness and sin in the world already, maybe it’s time to re-envision the kind of practices that prepare one for resurrection. In this article, I will suggest five ways to practice a holy Lent.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday's Catch: 'Why People Leave and How to Help Them Return to the Church' And More

Do your neighbors go to church? If not, do you know why? Their reasons are probably not the ones you’d expect. New research reveals why people leave churches and what you and your church can do to help them return to the Church.

Cedarville University students spread the spirit of revival at other college campuses
Inspired by the revival worship at their campus, scores of students from Cedarville University in Ohio traveled to campuses across the region to proclaim the Gospel.

'God can speak in showers or waves': Tennessee middle school students lead in prayer, song and repentance 
As a spiritual awakening moves among college students across the nation, one K-12 school in Tennessee says it's also seeing a revival atmosphere spreading on its campus.

10 Ways to Spark Revival 
While this article offers some good advice, the title is misleading. We cannot "spark" revival. We can, however, be open to revival. Revival is a work of the Holy Spirit.

Anne Graham Lotz: Asbury Revival Could Be the 'Latter Rain' Before Jesus' Return
Anne Graham Lotz is not the first person to equate a fresh movement of the Holy Spirit in their time with the "latter rain." Whatever the Asbury phenomena is, for want of a better way of describing what is happening, we certainly would be wise to pray for widespread revival and a new great awakening.

Nondenominational Church Surprised To Hear They Were Ousted From SBC
The SBC's Executive Committee has disfellowshipped a church that is not affiliated with the SBC because it has a woman pastor. Who is the SBC's Executive Committee going to  disfellowship next?

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Calls for Excommunicating White Nationalists
The president of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has called for the excommunication of unrepentant white supremacists in the church’s ranks, rebuking an extremist effort to exert influence within the conservative Lutheran denomination.

Let the Children Worship in Church
In the early days of bringing young children into worship, it can feel like self-inflicted torture with no end in sight. But as much as it may prove a struggle, the effort is worth it. Church services provide numerous opportunities for blessing. Here are three.

45% of Protestants stricter about who can be classified as a 'churchgoer' than pastors: poll Protestant churchgoers are much more likely than pastors to believe weekly church attendance is necessary to qualify as a regular churchgoer, according to a new poll.

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, February 23, 2023) Is Now Online

Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows Murray.

Reading: Galatians 2:11-21

Message: Just the Beginning


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wednesday's Carch: '5 Expectations Jesus Has of His Church' And More

Jesus said He would build His church, but He chose to do that through us. It’s a divine partnership. His purpose and power, our calling and responsibility.

‘Unlike Anything I’ve Ever Seen in My Life’—Asbury’s President Shares Ending of Continuous Worship Service
As Asbury University approaches the second full week of a continuous worship service that many have characterized as a revival, university president Kevin Brown announced Sunday night that beginning this week (Feb. 20-23), around the clock worship would come to an end.

3 Ways Pastors Can Respond to Asbury and Reports of Revival
The revival at Asbury may be a genuine outpouring of the Spirit. But ultimately, we must trust in the Lord to bring revival to His people.

Has the ‘lightning’ of revival struck in the United States?
Revival happened in Wales in 1904-1905, beginning with youth. Is it happening now in the United States?

Ordinary and Extraordinary: A Day at the Asbury Awakening
I first heard about the gatherings at Asbury University from social media on the Thursday after the awakening began. The next Sunday, my pastor mentioned it in his sermon. By Monday, I was making arrangements to fly to Kentucky, observe the gathering, and bring back a report for our church family.

Most Pastors, Churchgoers See More Than Monthly Attendance as Standard
Emerging from a period of paused physical gatherings, pastors and churchgoers are considering what regular church attendance means.

Leading a Church When the Wrong People Hold Power
Can you lead a church without proper authority? Yes, but it is more challenging and complex.

How To Avoid Being Blindsided In “Ambush Meetings”
This framework helps you minimize unnecessary hurt from being blindsided, enter meetings prepared, and use your limited time wisely.

Leading Solo
With 40 years of church consulting experience under his belt as president of the Church Growth Network, Gary McIntosh understands the role of the solo pastor. Solo pastors play an important part in the church today, though they’re primarily a fixture in smaller churches.

10 ways to ruin a sermon
Greg Stier explains.

Saddleback Church Kicked out of SBC Over Female Pastors
Saddleback Church, the largest church in the Southern Baptist Convention, has been ruled to no longer be “in friendly cooperation” with the denomination because of its decision to ordain women to the title of pastor, most notable among them Stacie Wood, the wife of the church’s new lead pastor, Andy Wood.

SBC expels Saddleback Church over ordination of female pastors
Church founded by Rick Warren can appeal the expulsion at the denomination's Annual Meeting

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Tuesday's Catch: 'Universities nationwide experiencing ‘a spirit of unity and confession’ spurred by Asbury revival' And More

As Asbury University's revival continues to draw interest worldwide and expands to new locations off campus, other Christian academic institutions inside and outside Kentucky are also experiencing similar gatherings of spontaneous worship among students.

Asbury University revival moving to new sites to accommodate people arriving from around the world
Asbury University, which has been the site of continual worship and prayer on campus for weeks and drawing tens of thousands of people to experience what God is doing, will move its non-stop prayer services off-campus due to concerns about overcrowding in the small town.

‘This is just the beginning’ Organic spiritual revival at Asbury draws thousands from across U.S.
When Georgia Dobson and Haley Smith saw on TikTok that a spiritual revival was taking place as Asbury University, they knew they had to go see it for themselves. The friends, both 16, live in New Albany, Indiana, just across the Ohio River from Louisville and about a 90-minute drive from Wilmore.

My 2 Hot Takes on The Asbury “Revival”
If quoting “revival” frustrates you, don’t stop reading quite yet.

Why We Must Put an End to the Stigma of Mental Illness
We’ve stigmatized mental health for far too long. But the truth is, your brain is just another organ. It’s not a sin to be sick. Your character isn’t defined by your chemistry. Your identity is not your illness.

4 Overlooked Black Voices From Church History You Should Know
In honor of Black History Month, we wanted to share the stories of four Black Americans who shared their faith with the world.

An important insight about Gen Z
If you know anything about the younger generation, you know that many of these teens and young adults have a real passion for justice, even if misguided at times. Many of them are also highly empathetic, commonly siding with the perceived underdog and outcast.

4 Questions Every New Worship Tech Needs to Ask
A new worship tech should ask four basic mixing questions, Three of the questions aren’t so much technical as they are situational—but it’s a situation we all face every time we mix.

How Small Groups Can Multiply Disciples
How do the Biblical principles captured in the Disciple Making Movement apply to North America? How do we multiply disciples — and disciple-makers — in the United States and Canada? A growing number of church and ministry leaders are asking these questions.

Four Ways to Combat Mind Wandering
Let’s face it. Our minds wander, constantly. Research indicates that we mind-wander almost half our waking hours. We all have a bit of ADHD in us.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Monday's Catch: "Seven Things We Didn’t See Coming in Churches at This Point after the Pandemic' And More

For our purposes, we look at post-pandemic as that time when churches started regathering in person. Some churches started a lot sooner than other churches, but most churches are back to in-person services today. As we look back over this regathering phase, we admit that several developments caught us by surprise. Some are good. Some are not.

Re-Thinking the Post-COVID Church: Beyond the Walls
What if the Church continued to engage people the way we did during the pandemic, bringing a more missional mindset to the world?

Asbury Professor: We’re Witnessing a ‘Surprising Work of God’
Why I’m hopeful about the revival breaking out in our chapel and its implications for the campus and beyond.

The Burning Question from Asbury Isn’t About Asbury
You’ve heard the news of spiritual awakening at Asbury University: an ordinary chapel turned into an ongoing service of praise and worship, confession of sin, and celebration of salvation, and has now garnered attention from all over the country and sparked similar stirrings of spiritual intensity in other colleges and universities.

Revival and Bad Theology
When revival hits, should we expect the participants to have all their theological ducks in a row and align with our particular shibboleth?

The 2 Characteristics of Revival
For many of us, I think revival is one of those fuzzy-around-the-edges blessings that we are quick to pray for and slow to understand. Sure, we pray for revival. Revival sounds great. But what exactly is it?

Nine Characteristics of the Great Old Testament Revivals
Recently, our congregation spent time in the Spirit-inspired prayer for revival known as Psalm 85. One of my study resources for this sermon was Revive Us Again: Biblical Principles for Revival Today by Walter Kaiser. In the Introduction to this volume, Kaiser points out nine characteristics of the revivals we find recorded in the Old Testament, which were originally listed by Wilbur Smith.

Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 11 Things I Learned
Does your church exhibit these trends?

Some Churches Should Die and Stay Dead
Sometimes churches die, and sometimes they should. As shocking as this may be, the death of a church might be the best thing that could happen for the sake of the gospel within a given community.

Tim Keller on the Decline and Renewal of the American Church
There is no more urgent question for American Christians than this: What’s wrong with the American church and how can its life and ministry be renewed?

How to Preach to Youth Effectively
Brandon Hilgemann has collected some tips that will hopefully prevent you from having to learn the hard way, as he did. This isn’t an exhaustive list but should help you immensely with your youth messages.

The Spiritual Power of Staying Put
Lasting fruit usually comes from lasting presence.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe: 'What Is Happening at Asbury University Wasn’t Planned—Is This the Start of Widespread Revival?' Ad More

What Is Happening at Asbury University Wasn’t Planned—Is This the Start of Widespread Revival?
What has been dubbed the "Asbury Revival' has not only caught the attetion of American Christians but also Christians outside of the United States.

University of the Cumberlands seeing ‘evidence of the Lord’s work’ at student-led worship gatherings
The University of the Cumberlands is among the Christian institutions experiencing spontaneous worship and prayer services in response to the revival event at Asbury University. Students at the Williamsburg, Kentucky-based Christian university have been involved in a continuous prayer and worship gathering that began on Monday and has continued through the week.

Guard the holy flame of revival when it comes
"...by all means, let us not quench the fire through pride or stiff traditionalism or spiritual foolishness."
If you study the history of revivals in Christianity, you will discover that they have always been accompanied by human opposition and demonic activity. The purpose of this activity is to promote widespread doubt.
Should We Try To Control Who Is In Our Lives?
Seeking to control who is in and out of our lives is in large part more American than it is Christian. Stacey Hare shares three main reasons why he believes this to be the case.

Go, Therefore, And Make Disciples
The meaningful relationships individuals have as a children fundamentally influence the stability of their future faith. Howver, only 2 out of 5 kids in children’s ministry have a positive, meaningful relationship with a mentoring adult.

Plan for Evangelism: How a Biblical Understanding of Evangelism Calls for Intentionality
Evangelism is a spiritual discipline believers must practice and plan for. And pastors are called to equip their people.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Friday's Catch: '9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America' And More

9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America
Here are nine things you should know about revival and the history of revivals in America.

The Rise of the Small Church – Part 1: Attitudinal Shifts
We are seeing many smaller churches become healthier and make great strides for the gospel. In this two-part series, Thom Rainer and Mark Clifton first look at the attitudinal shifts that took place with leaders of these smaller churches on the rise.

The Rise of the Small Church – Part 2: Action Shifts
We are seeing many smaller churches become healthier and make great strides for the gospel. In this second of two parts, Thom Rainer and Mark Clifton look at the action shifts that took place with members and leaders of these smaller churches on the rise.

Five Trends We See in Churches Under 250 in Attendance
Thom Rainer and Sam Rainer discuss five trends they see in churches with under 250 in attendance.

Gen Z Faces New Challenges
pringtide Research Institute has released a new report: Navigating Injustice: A Closer Look at Race, Faith & Mental Health, drawing from a data set of 5,951 young people ages 13 to 25, 3,159 of which were BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color).

Become a No-Turning-Back Leader
There comes a time when the local church has to say there is no turning back—no turning back and reviewing the glory days. No turning back in celebrating a pastor who has long since stood in the pulpit. No turning back to programs that would not work in today’s context or neighborhood culture.

The Theology of Noticing
During the past decade, I’ve been convicted—not by flashy TikTok videos, light-up billboards, or trendy apps, but by those around me—to stop and pay attention. This realization has been instrumental in cultivating a slower pace of life and presence of mind. And, it’s a task that’s really quite simple. I call it the “theology of noticing.”

6 Elements of an Effective Sermon
When it comes to effectiveness there are only two types of sermons: Type 1. Effective, or Type 2. Ineffective. It is possible for us to get style and approach correct and still be ineffective. Let us discuss six elements of an effective sermon.

6 Steps to Improve Your Church’s Singing
Many Sunday songs were written to be performed by solo artists on Christian radio, not an untrained group of saints making a joyful noise to the Lord.
Fostering strong, enthusiastic congregational singing is something close to my heart.
Children’s Ministry Volunteer: You’re an Amazing Servant of God!
Want to uplift a children’s ministry volunteer? Share these insights to remind your kidmin helpers they’re making an eternal difference in young lives.

How much do Americans know about the faiths around them? And what helps us most to understand our neighbors’ faiths?

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thursday's Catch: 'Cedarville University experiencing ‘outpouring of the Lord’ in campus revival' And More

A Christian university in Ohio is seeing spontaneous prayer and worship among its student body days after a revival began at Asbury University in Kentucky.

Why Students at a Kentucky Christian School are Praying and Singing Around the Clock
On Feb. 8, students at Asbury University gathered for their biweekly chapel service in the 1,500-seat Hughes Auditorium. They sang. They listened to a sermon. They prayed. Nearly a week later, many of them are still there.

Is Revival Happening in Asbury?
Glen Scrivener speaks to Robert Cunningham, director of Christ for Kentucky, about his recent trip to Asbury University Chapel, where there appears to be a revival taking place. It began after a sermon preached in the chapel on Wednesday 8th of February from Romans 12, with students staying on to pray and worship in the building. Many have visited since.

Campus Revival: How 1740s Yale Gives Hope for Today
The impressive reports of revival emerging from Kentucky’s Asbury University remind us colleges have always been central to the history of revival in America. Revivals have also been central to the history of American higher education.

Most Americans are 'world citizens' with secular views: Cultural Research Center study
Less than half say religious freedom, hard work are core values.

How to Prevent Rising Inflation From Causing Declining Ministry
As church leaders seeking to understand inflation, we must not only be aware of its impact but also continue to move forward in ministry.

How to Choose the Best AED For Church
An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is a life-saving medical device that can treat sudden cardiac arrest. When someone goes into cardiac arrest, their heart stops beating, and they stop breathing. AEDs are designed to be used by laypeople with little or no medical training and can be found in public places like churches. With so many models on the market, knowing which AED is right for your church can be difficult. Here’s how to choose the best AED for church.

Seven Things You Can Do to Become a Better Leader
Secular thinking would lead one to believe that additional education and on-the-job training would be enough to get one ready for a leadership position. But as Christians, we know there is much more. Jesus Christ is our greatest example of leadership, and our spiritual development will help us become better leaders. Here are seven things you can focus on to become a better Christian leader...

4 Ways to Really Prepare for Worship
How well do you prepare for worship? It is recorded at the beginning of chapter five of Ecclesiastes that we should guard our steps as we go to the house of God and listen instead of offering the sacrifice of fools who don’t even know they are being foolish (Eccl 5:1).

Overcoming Your Fear of Praying in Public
In 2012, researchers at the University of Nebraska-Omaha asked 815 college students to identify their three greatest fears. Far more than they feared heights, flying, deep water and even death, the students feared “speaking before a group.” If public speaking is the general population’s greatest fear, praying in public very well may be its Christian equivalent.

Four Ways to Love Others Like Jesus
We can’t shepherd our churches until we learn to love people the way Jesus does. Jesus is the best model for loving others. That’s why he tells us to do as he does: “I’m giving you a new commandment: Love each other in the same way that I have loved you” (John 13:34 GW). So what can we learn from how Jesus loves others?

4 Keys to Launching a Gospel Movement
For the past 32 years, God has allowed me to be the founder and visionary of Dare 2 Share Ministries, through which we’ve put countless theories and ideas to the test with youth leaders and teenagers. This has created a feedback loop about what works and doesn’t work when it comes to launching a Gospel movement in the microcosm of a youth ministry. We’ve learned many lessons from that feedback. Here are a few of the big ones.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

All Hallows Thursday Evening Service (February 16, 2023) Is Now Online


Just a reminder: Beginning Thursday, February 16, 2023, All Hallows Murray will offer only two weekly services—one on Thursday evenings and the other on Sundays.

Reading: Mark 10: 13-16

Message: How We Can Make Our Church’s Worship More Child-Friendly

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2023/02/all-hallows-thursday-evening-service.html

Wednesday's Catch: 'Asbury University revival: What to expect in a spillover effect' And More

Asbury University revival: What to expect in a spillover effect
Reports from Asbury University are so very encouraging! Since last Wednesday, there’s been 24/7 prayer, worship, testimony, confession of sin, Scripture reading, silence, and more in the chapel at this Kentucky school. People from across the United States are flocking to the campus to experience what God is doing.
Most local churches in the United States and Canada, I suspect, are desperately in need of spiritual renewal. The winds of the Holy Spirit need to blow through our churches again, reinvigorating and re-empowering them for the task of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and making new disciples. Let us pray that revival does spread to our church, enabling us to tread the path of true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Plumb Line #10: Stay Where You Are, Serve Where You Live, Be the Church in Your Community
There are, to be sure, bad ways of leading a multi-site church—just as there are a host of bad ways to lead a single-site church. So we constantly repeat one of our plumb lines to remind us of one of the key reasons why we do multi-site: stay where you are; serve where you live; be the church in your community.

Dear Small Church: A Word of Encouragement
Thinking through the duties and responsibilities of a pastor – no matter what size his congregation – Matthew Everhard offers these points of advice for any looking for a seasonable word of encouragement.

Prayer Drives Congregational Growth
Kevin Martin’s recent article “Who Are We Missing?” highlights a valid sociological and theological commonality among some of the largest congregations in the Episcopal Church: they are theologically and liturgically conservative. This has been documented in various sociology papers: there is a strong connection between membership and Sunday attendance, and historically orthodox theology and traditional liturgy, across mainline traditions, ours included.

10% of high school students attempted suicide in 2021; more than half of girls sad or hopeless: CDC
Poor mental health and suicidal ideation and attempts have increased among high school students over the last decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than half of girls struggle with “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness.”

Churches Are Getting Less of Total Charitable Giving—Here’s Why (And What You Can Do About It) What can you do to help build trust in your church finances? Small steps can make a big difference.

7 Ways to Honor Black History Month in Our Churches
In heaven, all our ethnic distinctions will be present around the throne. Churches can reflect this through their Black history celebrations.

4 Common Mistakes That Will Cause Your Church to Struggle
We all make mistakes. That’s part of the territory if you are a leader. Fortunately, there are a number of foundational principles and leadership values that if consistently followed will dramatically reduce the mistakes we make, or at least lessen the level of their impact.

7 Habits That Will Cripple a Leader
There are some things that can quickly cripple a leader.

7 Ministry Insights Pastors Wish They’d Known Sooner
Seasoned pastors looked back at their early years in the church and considered ministry insights they wished they had known when they began.

Classroom Emergency Procedures for Church and Children’s Ministry
Classroom emergency procedures are essential for churches and Sunday school programs. We can’t always stop emergencies from happening. But children’s ministry workers and volunteers can be prepared. In case of emergency or evacuation, are you and your staff ready?

5 Tips for Facilitating Small Groups Effectively
Small group discussion is so important, and really is the place where the Word can be applied as much as any other time. Generating discussion is tough for leaders, but is extremely important to have an effective small group discussion. I want to give you some tips for help facilitate small groups effectively.

4 Fundamentals of Effective Discipleship Pathways
Gavin Adams is writing several posts about adding more intentionality to church models, plans, and methods for the next few weeks. This is the first in the series.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Tuesday' Catch: 'My Greatest Surprise about Churches Seeking Consultations' And More

"What’s been most surprising to me, on the other hand, may be a surprise to you, too: the number of pastors and church leaders who really don’t know the community they’re called to reach...," writes Chuck Lawless.

17 Ways Pastors and Congregations Can Love Each Other
St. Valentine’s Day can provide a unique opportunity for pastors and their churches to find ways to love each other best.

Asbury University revival: Will we miss the next revival?
As we browse social media and look up hashtags such as #asburyrevival, one cannot miss all the criticisms, judgments and doubts about what is happening. The critical voices seem to be very loud shouting over some of the rejoicings by others.

Black History in the Bible
These days Black history is in the news. People studying it, teaching it – even attempts to ban it. But Black history can’t be banned. It’s a history to remember.

Majority of American teens open to learning about Jesus, but who is teaching them?
It isn’t groundbreaking to say teenagers and young adults are curious about the world and – to quote Michael W. Smith – their place in it. The amount of available information, however, may also be contributing to a distrust beyond those in their immediate vicinity.

Christians aren’t called to pull weeds but to sow seeds!
It is not our job to call down fire or tear out tares. The only evil we are called to root out is the evil in our own lives (Matthew 7:5.)

Next gen leaders urge proactive response to SBC age distribution trends
Recent trends regarding age distribution in the SBC are causing next generation leaders to reflect on building up the future of the Convention. Research indicates a majority of Southern Baptists are over the age of 55, while a much smaller percentage of the Convention falls within the 18-35 age range.
It would be interesting to do a age distribution study of the churches disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church.
What Happens When a Disaffiliation Vote Fails?
Disaffiliation tops concerns for many clergy and laity these days as about 1,800 congregations out of 30,000 U.S. churches have left since 2019. However, not all the votes for disaffiliation have succeeded, and when that happens, there’s often a trail of damaged spirits and depleted resources left behind.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Monday's Catch: 'Must Pastors Report Abuse? Some States Aren’t Clear, But the Bible Is' And More

Must Pastors Report Abuse? Some States Aren’t Clear, But the Bible Is
As a pediatrician-turned-pastor, I believe reporting suspected child harm is our civic and Christian duty.

Five Reasons Why the Disappearance of the Offering Plate Is So Significant for Churches
Thom Rainer looks at some of the implications of this dramatic shift.

Some Thoughts on the Asbury Revival
Denny Burk shares his thoughts on what has been dubbed the "Ashbury Revival."

4 Building Blocks for a Theology of Celebration
We don’t have a good foundation for godly celebration and struggle to communicate what makes it different than a mere party.

When Your Pastor Doesn’t Expect Enough Out of You
For the better part of the decade I filled this void for my church's music director and the church's music ministry benefited from this collaboration as did its worship.

Learning about Implicit Bias
We all have unconscious biases that influence how we relate to other people. We can grow as individuals and as Christians if we learn to recognize these biases and not let them influence us.

Only a quarter of Gen Z attends church at least once a month, survey finds
Only 28% of Generation Z Americans say they're committed to attending religious services at least once a month, as 14% identify as atheist or agnostic, according to a recent poll that suggests the younger generation is also much more likely to identify as LGBT.

Religious Faith May Serve as a Dating Welcome Sign or Red Flag for Americans
An American Perspectives Survey found many attributes make a potential partner less likely. For many Americans, faith is a dating dealbreaker.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

All Hallows Sunday Morning Service and Evening Service (February 12, 2022) Is Now Online

Morning Service

Reading: Luke 6: 27-36

Message: Plain Talk: Love for Enemies

Evening Service

Reading: 1 Corinthians 3: 1-9

Message: Who Is the Strongest Influence in Your Life?


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Revival Has Come to Asbury University' And More

Revival has come to Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. On February 8, 2023 during a routine Wednesday morning chapel, the Holy Spirit fell, resulting in continuous worship, praise, and confession over the past days. A chapel service that, as of this writing, is still going on.

‘Pure act of the Holy Spirit’: Asbury University revival humbles students before the Lord
Asbury University has become the sight of a revival gathering, with students and staff engaging in continual worship and prayer on campus over the past few days.

The Changing Landscape of American Religion: What Does It Mean for Us?
A conversation with veteran religion reporter Bob Smeitana.

Friendships Are Worth the Risk
The heart-wrenching breakdown of friendships is a tragically common experience.

Poll: A third of Americans are Christian nationalists and most are white evangelicals
A new PRRI survey finds that 10% of Americans are avowed Christian nationalists and an additional 19% are sympathetic to its ideals. Among white evangelicals, nearly two-thirds are Christian nationalists or sympathizers.

Gay Activists, Conservatives Protest Synod’s Decision
The Church of England’s General Synod has approved a motion welcoming bishops’ proposals to offer prayers of blessing for same-sex relationships, while resisting calls to introduce marriage for gay couples.

Gafcon: Archbishop of Canterbury can no longer be Anglican Communion's 'first among equals'
Is anyone surpised by the open letter released by ACNA Archbishop Foley Beach?

All Hallows Saturday Evening Service (February 11, 2023) Is Now Online


On February 16, 2023 All Hallows Murray will begin a new schedule of services. There will be two weekly services—one on Thursday evenings and the other on Sundays. Both services will be asynchronous. They will not be planned for a specific time of day. 

With the beginning of the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023, I thought that it would be a good time to change the service schedule. Many churches offer special services on Ash Wednesday and during Lent.

The order of worship for this Saturday evening is based on the basic pattern of worship in The United Methodist Book of Worship (1992). The songs are taken from The Faith We Sing (2000) and Worship and Song (2011), supplements to The United Methodist Hymnal (1989).

The Scripture reading for this Saturday evening is 2 Timothy 3.

The message is titled “Searching the Scriptures; A Means of Grace”

The link to this Saturday evening’s service is—


Please feel free to share the link to the service with anyone whom you believe might benefit from the service.

When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first. If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears. If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play. An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

Previous services are online at


May these services be a blessing to you.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday's Catch: 'What We're Learning from Typical-Sized Growing Churches' And More

If the size of your typical for a church in the United States, you need to watch this rebroadcast of the webinar Tom Rainer and Sam Rainer conducted on Thursday. In the webinar they discuss three important findings that Church Answer's research has identified and which affect typical-sized churches.
Phil Cooke and others are advocating merging congregations and reducing the number of  services in churches with declining worship attendance. However, Church Answer's research does not support what they are advocating. 
Renewal Inside and Out
When Pastor Abram Crozier began leading Trinity Southern Baptist Church in January 2019, only about 20 people attended. But thanks to a new mission involving their community of Falmouth, Kentucky, not only has the church grown in size and faith, but the town itself has begun turning around.

Is Evangelism a Lost Cause?
According to Barna Research, “Nearly half of millennial practicing Christians say it is wrong to evangelize (47%).” But at the same time Christians still recognize that evangelism was central to Jesus’ mission: “Two out of three millennial practicing Christians believe being a witness about Jesus is part of their faith (65%).” The embrace of contradictory statements creates confusion about evangelism that results in churches developing a lackluster approach to reaching the lost.

3 Truths About Your Church to Remember This Valentine’s Day
Here are three important notes to keep in mind as you enter Valentine’s Day weekend with your church family.

Do You Have a Philosophy of Worship?
Does your congregation have a philosophy of worship? Mark Cole recently came across a very well-written philosophy of worship from ‘The Meeting Place’ church (TMP). If you are developing your own standards for your worship ministry, this is a good place to start.

Music’s content more important than source, leaders say
Catchy songs stay in your head as well as your heart. False teachings can join them. Church leaders observed this as long ago as the fourth century.

10 Surprising Reasons Our Kids Leave Church
There are 10 surprising reasons our kids are leaving Christianity. And we can do something about it now! We all know them, the kids who were raised in church. They were stars of the youth group. They maybe even sang in the praise band or led worship. And then they graduate from high school and they leave church. What happened?

The Best Fuel for Your Ministry Fire
Losing heart? Try winning souls.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Thursday's Catch: '3 Key Steps for Effective Communication in a Small Church' And More

3 Key Steps for Effective Communication in a Small Church
When you communicate in a small church ministry, it must be a combination of informing your internal and external audiences.

Creating Content for a Younger Generation
Today, reaching teens and young adults with messages that resonate with them is very different from what it was in the past. The constant flood of news and information has decreased attention spans drastically. Everywhere you look, there's something new demanding attention. Jennifer Rodia, United Methodist Communications’ Chief Communications Officer, knows a thing or two about engaging younger audiences and recently shared some tips.

What Can 1928 Teach Us?
This essay by Harry Boone Porter Jr. (1923-99) was first published in The Anglican, April 1999, pp. 11-14, as part of its series “What Does 1549 Have to Say to 1999?” marking the 450th anniversary of the first Book of Common Prayer.

The Case for Pew Bibles
...in this post-COVID, post-modern, post-literate, technological, consumer society, do pew Bibles matter?

9 Reasons Life Groups Go South
Sunday school classes and small groups can gow wrong in a number of ways.

When your child wants to convert to Islam
The first-hand accounts of Christian girls who converted to Islam give us insight into how we can nurture our children to hold on to their faith in Christ.

Starting the Conversation
Evangelism Explosion recently partnered with Lifeway Research to conduct a survey of professing Christians in the U.S. By looking at current evangelism actions and attitudes, we begin to see practical areas where leaders can provide encouragement.

Downplaying the Sin of Homosexuality Won’t Win the Next Generation
Does downplaying this issue give us an evangelistic advantage? Could it be considered faithful to the Great Commission—even necessary for reaching the next generation?

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Wednesday's Catch: 'Ed Stetzer: The Elephants in the Room And More

Ed Stetzer takes a look at the “elephants” wrecking discipleship that we need to address in the American church.

5 Keys to Cast (and Sustain) a Vibrant Vision for Your Church
Church vision must be reinforced every Sunday, brought before the people with weekly consistency to become established.

Do the Synoptic Gospels Portray Jesus as God? Rethinking Jesus Walking on the Water
Michael J. Kruger draws our attention to passages in the Synoptic Gospels that portray Jesus as God.

Identifying Potential Church Leaders
Something important to remember when considering who you will ask to serve with you in your ministry is that you want to pick people who are best suited for the task at hand.

The Public Nature of Pastoring and the Inescapable Reality You Always Represent Your Church
The call to shepherd a church is a call to shepherd a community. People expect you to represent your church. And you should. If you’re a pastor, you’re also a statesman—there’s no way around it.

God’s Will for My Life: Help Teens Discover Their Purpose
Many teenagers are asking, “What is God’s will for my life?” Young people want to know their purpose on this earth. They’re wondering about God’s plan for them and their future.

4 Hacks to Recruiting New Small Group Leaders
Recruiting new small group leaders can feel like an all-year all-hands-on-deck operation. The ratio of people looking for groups versus people willing to lead seems like it skews to the latter.

Natural Ways to Share Jesus With Others
Evangelism best benefits the church when you share your faith rather than evangelism benefits you when the church shares it’s faith.

All Hallows Mid-Week Service (January 8, 2023) Is Now Online


The order of worship for this Wednesday evening is based on the basic pattern of worship in The United Methodist Book of Worship (1992). The songs are taken from The Faith We Sing (2000) and Worship and Song (2011), supplements to The United Methodist Hymnal (1989).

The Scripture reading for this Wednesday evening is Mark 7: 14-23.

The message is titled “Why We Need God’s Grace.”

The link to this Wednesday evening’s service is—


Please feel free to share the link to the service with anyone whom you believe might benefit from the service.

When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first. If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears. If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play. An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

Previous services are online at


May these services be a blessing to you.